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My ideas: 2D Drawing

Showing 70

Change text justification without text chaging its position.

At the current state of Microstation Connect changing several texts with different justifications to the one I use, or that my company requires me to use, results in the texts changing positions, and consecuently I need to reposition every single ...
about 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration
101 VOTE

line style editor: Point Symbol editing

Point Symbols should be editable just as any regular geometry can be altered. -Select a Point Symbol, -Edit, add or remove geometry,-Save,-Linestyle is updated.
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 2 Future consideration

CE - Select Similar

I am constantly asked by users that come over from ACAD/Revit, if there is an option to Select Similar. I have to tell them ... not as such, we have the Selection tool in expanded mode. it would be nice to havea right click menu to allow users to ...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 8 Future consideration

Add background option to Dimension Style > Text > Notes > Text Frame

It would be very nice and helpful to be able to assign a background color to the Text Frames in the Dimension Styles. So they can be used for Labels, and such. It would great to make it work like the Text Styles do, but to actually fill out the wh...
6 months ago in 2D Drawing 4 Future consideration

A TrueType font library that provides drafting and other CAD symbols

It's currently impossible to create a text element in MicroStation that contains a drafting symbol (such as a center line). A drafting TrueType font library would solve that problem. MicroStation text could include the drafting symbol along with o...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 4 Future consideration

Label Coordinates - add option to include a leader line

The current label coordinate tool is great but it needs an option to include a leader line or datum symbol + leader line. see image
9 months ago in 2D Drawing 0 Future consideration

Clip Boundary and Mask for Reference/Raster should all work same

It would be good to have reference and raster clipping tools all work the same.Currently each tool has inconsistencies from each other.Note: I would use Reference Clip Boundary as basis of design for all options since it providesmost functionality...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Future consideration

Print Organizer - print non standard formats without creating them

It would be useful if it were possible to print through the print organizer sheets of non-standardized sizes without having to add the size in the *.pltcfg. For example, there may be drawings with 250mm or 253mm, and it would be helpful to not hav...
7 months ago in 2D Drawing 4 Future consideration

Hatch pattern preview window

Would be nice to have a little preview window when selecting hatch patterns.
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Future consideration

Tool or setting to toggle text/dimensions/notes background on/off

MicroStation needs a simpler way to turn text background on or off in text, dimensions and notes.We do not always use Background, so we do not have it set on by default. When we do need it, it requires a special trip into the text styles dialog to...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration