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3D Modeling

Showing 12

Loft Rectangle to Circle in surface/solid Modelling

Idea is to add parametric capabilities to in the "loft rectangular to circle" tool in both surface and solid modelling. it can be link to the variables and should have orthogonal or non-orthogonal positioning for circular end/rectangular/square en...
about 1 year ago in 3D Modeling 0 Planned

Parametric Element Option to Move entire element to desired level

Moving a Parametric element to a new level doesn't move the underlying profiles and other features to that same level. This can result in the software appearing to show levels being used that do not appear to have anything on them. Very confusing ...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Planned

Parametric Cells - Constraints for element visibility

Currently there are no methods to turn on/off the visibility of elements/nested cells contained within a cell via a boolean constraint. In many cases this would be a useful feature to have, to avoid having to recreate all the possible permutations...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 3 Planned

CE - Adding 2 options to the tool "Set Element Elevation" to avoid "flattening" of 3d elements

Hi Microstation users, In a 3 D Model I want to move elements on the z-axis to real coordinates by using the tool "Set Element Elevation".By this way I can work faster and with less risk for errors as by the traditional way to use the move command...
over 3 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Planned

Manipulate/Delete Multiple features at once

It's great that i can delete holes now but if i need to delete 20 holes frankly its faster to just start over in some cases. I know i can "delete above" but sometimes that's not easy to do in a long property tree. It would be great if i could hold...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 3 Planned

Fence Stretch Option to NOT add nodes to properties

Fence stretching smart solids was common place in v8i, but the tool is clumsy at best with parametric solids it adds un-wanted nodes and clutters up the properties menu. I imagine some users like myself would prefer it just stretch the underlying ...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing / 3D Modeling 4 Planned

Add Height (Z) Offset for Array tools for 3D

Hello,For 3D modelling could the Array tools (both standard and parametric) be modified to include a Height (Z) offset value (Distance) to the existing the Row or Column inputs.I think this could be useful for creating stepped arrays with one oper...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 0 Planned

Place Again parametric cell instance

As a MicroStation user, I would like to be able to right-click on a parametric cell and select a "Place Again" option that will open the Place Parametric Cell dialog with the same cell selected and the same variation and settings as per the select...
over 1 year ago in 2D Drawing / 3D Modeling 0 Planned

Add "use cell/shape properties" option to "Create Solids" tools on 2D Parametric Cells/Shapes

I find it odd that 2D parametric cells and shapes have the option to extrude, revolve, thicken, and extrude along path with/without the active attributes and that when not using active attributes the attributes default to more or less nothing, lin...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 0 Planned

Associative offset on smart solids

Currently in technology-preview it is only possible on parametric solids. It would be useful if this operation was possible on smart solids as well. Either directly on smart solids or smart solid would be firstly put under parametric solid history...
over 3 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Planned