Currently there are no methods to turn on/off the visibility of elements/nested cells contained within a cell via a boolean constraint. In many cases this would be a useful feature to have, to avoid having to recreate all the possible permutations of a component as separate cells. For example equipment supplied by a manufacturer may come with 5 different add-on modules that can be specified; rather than creating every possible combination of these (over 100 possibilities in this case)we could simply have a checkbox to activate the visibility of each component within the cell, and achieve the same result with just 1 cell.
This would be helpful for simplifying MEP cell libraries. There are a number of cells I use frequently that have a base configuration with "add-ons" and it would be nice to be able to place the cell once and then choose whether or not to show the add-ons. E.g. one cell for fire alarm horn, horn-strobe and strobe devices. It's one cell and you choose which part of the symbol to show with check boxes or predefined variations. I'm probably explaining that poorly, but the idea is that it would greatly simplify the cell library and make it easier to make design modifications after a cell is placed.
This would make modeling of large sign gantries so much simpler.
This feature is desperately needed for parametric cells.
Please update us on the status of this.