Has there been any talk or conversion about using Civil AccuDraw with MicroStation platform tools and having that placed geometry ruled/constrained to the referenced element?
Currently if you use Civil Accudraw with MicroStation platform tools, it will work but it doesn’t rule/constrain to the referenced element.
It would be nice to have an off/on toggle inside the MicroStation platform tools to have it ruled/constrained to the referenced element when placing the geometry.
With the Civil platform tools, it will automatically rule/constrain to the reference element when using Civil Accudraw.
Example: Using "Line Between Points" in Civil tools with the Station/Offset option in Civil AccuDraw. You will see the civil lines are constrained the yellow line. And you can easily change the values by clicking on the offset or station field to modify the civil lines. And if the reference element changes, it will also change the line/geometry that is referenced to it. (See image 1 & 2)
If the user doesn’t want that geometry ruled/constrained to the reference element, then they can get to the dynamic toolbar on the element and remove the ruled applied to the element. (See image 3)
It would be nice to have this capability in some way with all MicroStation platform tools.