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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

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Showing 1693

View Independent text that rotates around Justification

I know that, by default, for legacy reasons, plain text, when placed as "View Independent" will rotate around the lower left-hand corner of the text element. This, however produces somewhat unpredictable and VERY unhelpful effects, as text appears...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Planned

Add to Dimension ordinates + to positive values and plus/minus sign to 0.000

Would be wonderful if Dimension ordinates at least will have possibility to choose +/- sign next to the 0.000 and plus sign (+) next to positive ordinates in the Elevation drawings as for negative coordinates.And it would be perfect if will be pos...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration

To have parametric geometry be supported by 3D custom linestyles, as of right now any component that changes from it's default state/type will not save as a 3d linestyle.

No description provided
about 2 months ago in 3D Modeling 0 Needs review

Add property to a cell to show it's library and path

In MS once a cell has been placed it is almost impossible to know which cell library the cell came from. We need to add this as a property field via the property dialog.
almost 3 years ago in General 3 Future consideration

Ability to open files in blob storage with additional 'browse' button

Add an Azure or Cloud storage browse button , next to current 'Browse' button in the App's recent files launch interface. Azure storage explorer can be detected on the device
2 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Item Type Lookup update when printing

There should be a way to enable Item Types lookup values to update when printing. Otherwise I have to manually go into every file (or batch process) to force the fields to update.
4 months ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review


As a long time Microstation user and Visualisation maker from version 5.0 i am very sad to say that there is no progress in VUE. So my idea is easy - leave VUE as is for materials attachments and work closely with Unreal and Twinmotion. I mean add...
10 months ago in Visualization 1 Future consideration

Copy and Increment Text Improvements

1) Add an alpha mode to increment textWith an increment of 1 Alpha mode would Increase 11A to 11B, ..., 11Z, 11AA etc2) Add first and/or last option so"T22a" could be incremented to both "U22a" and "T22b" or "U23b" if numeric was also on3) Tools s...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration

Extend in line leader to text

In our office it is a current standard to keep callout text left justified. it is more in line with the idea that the English language is read from left to right, so right justifying is more difficult for the eye to follow. I have seen a few posts...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Will not implement

Parametric Cells - Constraints for element visibility

Currently there are no methods to turn on/off the visibility of elements/nested cells contained within a cell via a boolean constraint. In many cases this would be a useful feature to have, to avoid having to recreate all the possible permutations...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 3 Planned