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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

All ideas

Showing 1693

Fix print organizer with Projectwise to cache references rather than redownload

This relates to all versions of microstation/openroads/openbridge/etc that use print organizer with a projectwise integrate project. When printing from a PSET, if there are multiple dgns in a pset that have the same references, print organizer wil...
3 days ago in General 0 Needs review

SOLID BY SURFACE CAPPING in modelling tools

in Generative components theres an option in the solid node to create a solid "by surface capping" where you have a 3d surface and it slaps ends on it and creates a solid for you, itd be nice to have that in the normal OBD/MS CE modelling toolkit,...
1 day ago in 3D Modeling 0 Needs review

Include Table Elements in Pen table Resymbolisation

Currently pen tables dont apply their colour and weight resymbolisation to table elements or shape fills, meaning tables and fills need to be dropped or changed to colour 0 in order to print out black, while a piece of text or a line prints as int...
1 day ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Fence file loses SRS

Fence to file loses coordinate system when exporting to new file. Users would like the ability to propagate an existing GCS in a design file to the new design file when using the Save Fence to File tool. Currently, the new design file does not con...
2 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Missing mesh vertex edit

Microstation mesh editing tools are missing option to move individual mesh vertexes. Modify element doesn't work and only option is to use element selection which means to select large meshes before edition not convenient. Add option for modify el...
3 days ago in 3D Modeling 0 Needs review

ProjectWise Drive off by default during install

MicroStation 2024 have "ProjectWise Drive" option is ON by default in installer vizard. It needs to be "OFF" by default. User can turn it ON as required. Also, it should be considered in Silent Installation.
3 days ago in General 0 Needs review

Change font of german version of display style "Thematic Height"

When using the display style "Thematic: Height" the included legend doesn't work with the german word "Höhe". A change is only possible with Descartes, as far as I know. You could change the font style for the german version or implement the optio...
5 days ago in  0 Future consideration

Import Stacked Fractions

Need the ability to place table from Excel and have fractions stacked if appropriate text style is picked.
6 months ago in General 3 Future consideration

Double underline in Text style

Many organizations request Titles and/or sub-titles to have double underlines. Please simplify this process by adding the double underline option in the text styles dialog box or allowing a negative overline, so a line can be generated below the f...
25 days ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Align Text to Active Angle Tool

In Microstation v8i we have a tool to align existing text to active angle. We used this in our workflow daily on every project. It appears to no longer be available within Openroads 2023. In v8i you would first set your active angle and then click...
5 days ago in  1 Needs review