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Created on Jan 27, 2021

Bentley View CE

We the user base demand that Bentley release and continue to release Bentley View.

It is a very powerful tool. In some cases the users will make this their default application for DGN & DWG. Senior managers are encouraged to use it, so they do not screw up the data.

It is IMPORTANT to the users to have this and we need a CE version, more so for ACAD 2018+ support

Please VOTE..


  • Guest
    Feb 18, 2023

    also, rather than having to go-to File-> Browse (or) use the Ctrl+O (windows) shortcut to open a drawing/folder; would verymuch appreciate if a 'quick open' shortcut is placed in the quick access toolbar (just like in Bentley STAAD.Pro)

  • Guest
    Mar 17, 2021

    NicolasT over 3 years ago

    Thank you for this IDEAS. 200% agree, Urgently need Bentley View to view dwg 2018 and DGN of course and all the other formats from which this viewer distiguishes itself. thx, Nico

    Jose Pinho over 3 years ago

    And for display rules as well.

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to Jose Pinho

    Good shout Jose

    Oto over 3 years ago

    Bentley view no longer free for non-SELECT users!?! -

    There is magic circle for non-SELECT users if try to install latest Bentley View, it requires login which is linked to SELECT account.

    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    I do not recall Bentley View being 'free', ever. Bentley gave 500 'free' licences along with any other Bntley design software you purchased. The amount of 500 licenses has been more then enough for our organisation. I believe you can create a (limited) Bentley account for those 3rd parties that are outside your firm, so that they can acces Bentley View while co-working on your project.
    Anyway, 'free' seems somewhat limited if you start comparing.

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    In addition to viewing 3D models, you can use Bentley View as a free CAD viewer with tools to search for objects, measure distances and areas accurately, and print drawings to scale with full fidelity, on every desktop, for free.

    iWare is free software that extends Bentley’s products and services to support unprecedented information mobility.

    Starting with connection client integration these it now asks to associate user to existing organization. Technically free but requires too many steps in reality. Way to go if like to scare new customers away from using Bentley products with too much bureaucracy.

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    In my opinion Bentley View CE should be FREE and not integrated in the connections client... we need external users not associated to Bentley software being able to use this tool without having to register.

    Kjell Hundeide over 3 years ago

    We also support the need for a CE version of Bentley View

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Kjell Hundeide

    With DGN support or only i-models like Navigator CONNECT?

    Kjell Hundeide over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    Typical need for Bentley View in our organization is non CAD users that need to open 2D CAD files in DWG,DXF and DGN format.

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    Oh, I did not check latest Navigator it already supports DGN -

    Jose Pinho over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    Not exactly native file open support, Navigator has to import DGN first to imodel, so no direct open as in Bentley View.

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Jose Pinho

    True... and also lose custom lines if opened in Navigator
    At least custom fonts can be added. Two step back, one forward..

    Lorys over 3 years ago

    Even our Acad cousins and their clients can download and use Acad TRUE VIEW for viewing DWGs for free... how can we promote bentley DGN use over DWGs if we cant recommend a FREE viewer!

    KEN-T over 3 years ago

    I am totally onside with this, I supply my client with DGN deliverables containing Display Rules and quickly have to follow up by giving them screen dumps with the different rules applied. This is not acceptable to the users and more importantly our client.

    We don't have a usable deliverable unless the client can view and interact with it, it's akin to providing someone with a car then saying we cant give you the ignition key, rendering the car useless.

    We need Bentley View CE back in the Support downloads until this farce is sorted.

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to KEN-T

    I heard this was a BENTLEY CORPORATE decision. So unless they read this post this isnt going anywhere.

    It can only be based on $$$$$$, offering a FREE view = users don't buy their flagship software.... in reality it pushes users to Autodesk applications.

    One thing we can do is email our account managers with a letter of frustration.....

    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    Kinda like this?

    Alain DG over 3 years ago

    The decision to stop Bentley View is total madness.

    How are externals going to view our files?

    How will internal "light CAD" users open our files? With Navigator, right, but that is not free.

    Or maybe you should make Navigator free, that would make more sense.

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Alain DG

    Navigator CONNECT doesn't support DGN so it is not universal viewer.

    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Alain DG

    Agreed, it is unbelivable... I did download and use Bentley View connect edition when it was relased ( 1-2 years ago? ) I liked it, to bad it is not possible to download anymore... Unfortunatly that computer with Bentley view connect died some time ago.

    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    Gone are the days when we had backups on a compact disk.

    KEN-T over 3 years ago in reply to Alain DG

    I'm not 100% sure whether it is corporate greed or just that Bentley do not fully understanding how our deliverables are used by our clients, I still get requests from client engineers for a viewer for our DGN files, needless to say I provide them with the V8i viewer which does help when you are using Display Rules etc associated with Connect. Please note that Navigator cannot display all the functionality of Connect.

    It would be great if the Bentley bros. would pitch in on this topic to explain the logic of developing tools / displays methods that cant be accessed by the clients.

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to KEN-T

    But latest v8i still requires user registration and a SELECT agreement otherwise it works only 7days. OpenDGN initiative is long forgotten.

    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    Really? Unbelivable, what is going on.... In other words there are no free Bentley view avalible for everyone anymore. Could someone remind me why should stick to Bentley products again?

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    Interopability but only if you are CONNECTED ;)

    What I do not understand why try to kill DGN format in apps. Ok it is not publishing format but at least make it on-the-fly service so I can at least view it or open in so called mobile apps. load a DGN to Projectwise Share without option to use it from CONNECTED apps, way to go.

    KEN-T over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    V8i viewer will work, but does NOT cover all the new functionality of Connect edition.

    Lorys over 3 years ago in reply to KEN-T

    in the old days we had Bentley XM redline and if you had select account subscription you could sponsor licenses for contractors and non cad internal staff even if it was installed in virtual drive app for internals it meant redline function was available as well a one cad reader reads both major cad formats ie DWG & DGN , this saved the companies creating DGNs a lot of money time and effort as we didnt have to make two copies one in DGN and one in DWG, Just one source of truth which is one of my pet sayings in cad work... now we no longer have this there is little justification to create dgn format at all just work in msnt and emulate DWG .. and with CE it even looks like acad!

    Bring back Fee ( sponsored) cad Viewer!

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Lorys

    DWG works even better for CAD publishing than i-models(with lot of confusing versions) or DGNs. Simply "publish' DWG andyou can view it on any device. In long term imodels will be great but not yet.


    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Oto

    I agree with this. DWG is the way to go today if you want to share your geometry with the rest of the world ( outside of Bentley ). I do wonder if there are plans to make a free Bentley web viewer avalible at some point. That would be very handy !-)


    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    I have added this as idea some time ago -

    Bentley Projectwise cloud share could benefit from such option.


    Kevin Heslop over 3 years ago

    The viewer needs to be a free and easy to access download to guarantee its use - our clients need to be able to use the DGN format as a standard and not imported into a third party product. Otherwise it will appear we are using a second rate product.

    Former Member over 3 years ago

    a free viewer is a must

    Robert Ball over 3 years ago

    We find Bentley View an essential part of our working environment. Particularly useful for senior managers to review both dgn and dwg files. Rob

    David Nicholson over 3 years ago

    Support this petition 100%. Bentley View is an essential component for viewing our .dgn/.dwg content stored in ProjectWise. To not provide a free viewer for those project participants who do not require CADD functionality is a commercially unwise decision & leaves organisations with no choice other than to source a viewer from other vendors.

    Come on Bentley, you have the best CADD platform in the business, how much effort would be involved in rebranding MS CE & disabling the CADD functionality?

    Andy Parinussa over 3 years ago

    Bentley View has to be Free for managers, clients who doesn't have a cad application, engineers who doesn't need to draw, but just needs to view the dgn's. It's gives the drawer freedom to design and not to be an press-worker.

    Nico Caspel over 3 years ago

    This is a very stupid idea to remove this tool. We have about 80 users who use this tool as a viewer to view drawings. So if it can turn this decision back. so that the tool remains available for free.

    asuspete over 3 years ago

    Very important part of MicroStation, which if no longer available, will significantly impact business decisions.

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to asuspete


    Thank you for the COMMENTS. But we need VOTES, so make sure you press the vote button and leave a comment

    Christiaan Post over 3 years ago

    Sure, Bentley has to give us a FREE viewer which can read a lot of cad formats, otherwise our client and Project members can't view the models whiteout paying for it

    NicolasT over 3 years ago

    Please, the (Belgian) community needs a free Bentley Viewer Connect Edition ! also able to view DWG2018 ! We can not understand why the viewer is not available anymore, come on guys !

    Andy Parinussa over 3 years ago

    Can the viewer also read 3MX files. Because I have a client that is interested in ContextCapture. And I want him to read my files as dgn. So I don't have to export this to another cad programm

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Andy Parinussa

    More than just a free DWG viewer, some of Bentley View’s recent enhancements include:

    Newly Added Format Support:

    RealDWG 2016

    Point-cloud streaming

    Bentley civil terrain models

    JT format

    Rhino V5

    IFC Viewer

    Reality meshes created with ContextCapture

    Advanced Viewing Features:

    Dynamically explore models with Clip Volume to slice through models

    Easily navigate using touch screen support in Windows 10

    Analyze models by changing their visual display based on object attributes (height, slope, aspect angle)

    View and navigate Bentley’s groundbreaking hypermodels and their embedded plans, sections, and elevations

    You can also use Bentley View as a MicroStation viewer, a free DXF viewer, and to open CAD files directly

    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Andy Parinussa

    The highlights of Bentley View V8i (SELECTseries 4) - [2016] include:

    Support for the Windows 10 operating system

    CONNECTED Users and CONNECTED Projects

    Autodesk® RealDWG 2016 viewing support

    Acute3D file viewing support

    Support for Publishing i-models to the Cloud

    Support for Sharing Printed PDFs on the Cloud

    RSS Reader


    Steve H. over 3 years ago

    It's just another short sighted decision, going after the quick buck.


    helgeh over 3 years ago

    It's good to see people start responding to this decision, it has bothered me, people in my company and our customers for a while already. And this is typically something that can force us to go differently than with Bentley ... Please get your users to vote for this!

    Thank you

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    Why would anyone VOTE to NOT have this as a Free viewer

    -2 votes...... why.... why.... why !!!!!!!@


    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    If you review the top 10 IDEAS..... this is the only one NOT under review.

    We need to act to make Bentley see that the users have a voice...


    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    ??? Can’t be a Bentley view user...


    Jose Pinho over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    I get the feeling some folks don't know that clicking again will remove the vote, that and clicking vote down is a small step. I've seen this happen.

    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    Would be nice to know who did. Benltey?


    GIMO over 3 years ago

    No doubt, free Bentley View is a necessity to keep Bentley as a competitive and reliable vendor.

    Lorys over 3 years ago

    well put!


    mocha over 3 years ago

    I am for Bentley viewer to stay, FOC and with suggestion to upgrade to CE since everything is going in that direction.


    Architectslab over 3 years ago

    We @architectslab can not understand why the viewer is not available anymore. Bentley this is another stupid decission we're I don't see the "win" for you!?

    Arūnas Urbšys over 3 years ago

    Vote for it. P.S.: in the original message, please, make explanation how to vote - I barely noticed the up/down arrow with a number in between as a voting tool.

    Former Member over 3 years ago

    Bentley View is essential in communicating 3D-models to the practicians who need it most in the field. If they loose this opportunity to see 3D-design freely, it will cost us going back to paper drawings

    Laurent Marseille over 3 years ago

    Bentley View must be the equivalent of TrueView autodesk, it's simple right?


    Laurent Marseille over 3 years ago

    Bentley View must be the equivalent of TrueView autodesk, it's simple right?


    Jose Pinho over 3 years ago in reply to Laurent Marseille

    For me only thing that's a plus in TrueView it's the DWG convert which I can relate since Bentley don't change version in each 3 years. Bentley View in everything else is a winner.


    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Jose Pinho

    Looking at Autodesk, they seem to have a range of free viewers. Here is one that can open most formats in a webviewer. . From the look of this i personaly belive Autodesk wins by far...


    Jose Pinho over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    I've seen that, but they get intel from Design Review (DWF) with pages layout just like Adobe (PDF). Apart from that they can view Revit (RVT) which for now we can't. So some face-lift we could used from Bentey. Maybe get advantage from some layout design from Navigator? And like Autodesk, we could use a web viewer. Something that's already been asked, but so far no news.


    Lorys over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    even 3d dgn! yep it does but not 2d!


    Jørgen Eigil Hammer over 3 years ago

    No doubt, free Bentley View is a necessity to keep Bentley as a competitive and reliable vendor.

    Former Member over 3 years ago

    Bentley View is important and necessary to continue the digital process in our organization.

    Reginald Wallace over 3 years ago

    Thank you very much for your encouragement to release Bentley View CONNECT Edition. Please continue to vote on this item and discuss the reasons why it is important for your work.


    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to Reginald Wallace


    Here is a workflow that I have been asked to implement..... IF VEW CONNECT were available

    Install and setup Bentley CONNECT applications ie MicroStation, AECOsim etc.

    Then install VIEW CONNECT and make the default DGN application as View CONNECT. We also install VIEW CONNECT on the managements PC and clients PC.

    This means that whenever anyone double clicks a DGN file VIEW CONNECT opens as a FREE Viewer.

    This also means that there is less likely that the clients usage reports will go over the limits.

    On top of all this, we need to make sure that ANYTHING and EVERYTHING inside the CONNECT DGN files are seen , processed and viewable ie..... ITEMS, Display Rules, Reports etc.

    WITHOUT VIEW CONNECT we are done for... even the Autodesk TrueView will not display these CONNECT DGN files correctly

    VOTE... VOTE......VOTE 25 more and we hit 100




    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    If we get to 100 VOTE...... I sure I read somewhere that Bentley will give all a free gift....................

    The free gift is a thank you for your vote

    Arūnas Urbšys over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    84 votes by now. But once again - may be it's worth to modify the original message by adding more clear instructions how to vote? I barely noticed the / buttons on the left hand of the message, so it took quite browsing this thread, until I discovered where to push for a vote...


    Oto over 3 years ago in reply to Arūnas Urbšys

    Unfortunately in idea section it is not possible to modify original post. There is no option to edit post under [More] button.


    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    The 100 vote free gift might be a USB keychain with Autodesks TrueView pre-installed.

    Lorys over 3 years ago in reply to Ivo Blaauw

    Oh your are so naughty! LOL !!!

    I love it! ooh I so want one especially if it comes labelled with Bentley logo and ( with The only Alternative to BE - CE ! )...

    ok ok off track

    But seriously how much longer... Bentley ?

    ... just another reason NOT to change over to Connect Edition!

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to Lorys

    Dear Greg Bentley

    As you can see the users of your applications have spoken. We are nearing 100 votes and yet this post is still unchanged, no direct response from Bentley. Yet other posts with far less votes are under review. But they are at that state for 2 years or more, which is another story of frustration

    I am sorry to say but we are running out of patience we need someone from your executive team to respond.

    I'm sure you do not want us to install your competitors software.......

    We eagerly await your response........



    Gerd Eisenacher over 3 years ago

    I may not fancy that to much - but still I am going to test: The free AD TrueView has free plugin to import DGN. And there is also the free Design Review extension for TrueView which is supposed to allow to markup files. (like Bentley Navigator does...)

    Has anybody tried that yet?
    There is also a free web viewer there ... pretty straitghtforward.

    I downloaded all three parts named above - TrueView2018 works fine with DWGs. It allows to downgrade 2018DWGs.

    But found that the Design Review installation seems not really straightforward For the rest - at least on a Win7 ;-( I had no success installing - need to give that another try on a more recent OS I guess.

    Bentley has it all - Don't you think it would be a smart move to make a real Design Review process (Bentley Navigator Markups) more popular and get away from redlining and PDF commenting and all that hassle.

    Robertas Janulevicius over 3 years ago

    my opinion that It is absolutely necessary for Bentley to have 64bit free viewer and with possibility to do sections. Not necessary to save them but it is needed to review complex models. Otherwise they will use competitive products and believe me - they are existing.

    eko trisucipto over 3 years ago

    Bentley viewer has to be free and can read a lot of cad formats


    Ronny over 3 years ago

    I thought that bentley view was ment to get into companies using AutoCad as a door opener.

    Without an updated dwg viewer bentley is opening the door for Autodesk software for MicroStation users.

    Former Member over 3 years ago

    Very agree to Bentley View for Free, we are need Bentley view to view .DGN, .DWG and other formats (dxf, fbx, etc)

    Mark Stals over 3 years ago

    We also support the need for a FREE CE version of Bentley View. Why does Bentley want us to use Autodesk products to view DGN and DWG?

    Amanda Johnson over 3 years ago

    Don't take away the ability to view dgn files for free!

    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Amanda Johnson



    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    Who will be the 100th............


    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    Just a thought. ..

    When it reaches 3 digits, maybe we will crash the IDEAS page and we get redirected to trueview site...

    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    3 digits is to much, It willl only count up to 99 and then go back to 0 !-)

    Im still dreaming of Bentley view Connect, that i had installed when it was avalible. It was working just fine...

    Arūnas Urbšys over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    done :)

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago

    Bentley........ Greg Keith Barry Scott

    Your users NEED a response.

    Will their be Bentley View CE edition.... YES or NO!!!!

    If YES when?

    If NO why?

    We need a direct Bentley response


    Finn Mejding over 3 years ago

    Bentley View is the only way our clients and contractors can view our cad files.

    We will never get them to buy any Bentley software just for viewing our files.

    As a consultant we must deliver the files in a format they can read, and that will not be imodels og dgn, but rather dwg.

    If we then deliver in dwg we might as well model our files in AutoDesk products.

    It is high time to for Bentley to realize that they are not the center of the universe. There ar other, and more comment used, software out there, and Bentley will never "take" the marked by only "thinking in money", as I thin this exercise is. By removing the Viewer companies have to buy a Navigator (passport) to view imodels.

    So, as I see this, it's a way for Bentley to push their customers away.


    LiPeng over 3 years ago

    Yes, please continue releasing and supporting Bentley View CE, Bentley!

    SvenL over 3 years ago

    Give us back the free Viewer. Understand the $$$ issue, but with no users there will be no Bentley.

    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago in reply to SvenL

    WOW 116 votes. When we reached 101 did you feel the earth move on its axis


    SvenL over 3 years ago

    Please continue Bentley View as a free viewer, Connect Edition.

    Lennart Popp over 3 years ago

    There is still a need for the viewer and it should be free to use.

    If the viewer costs money to use or it is no longer maintained it will complicate cooperation and it vill give bentley a bad reputation.

    Meganck over 3 years ago

    We also support the need for a CE version of Bentley View

    Edgar Flores over 3 years ago

    We also support the need of a FREE CE viewer.

    Any stakeholder of a project developed with Bentley products should be able to review it. Look at Navisworks Freedom: it's free to use.

    Michelle over 3 years ago

    Ditto all comments, this is IMPORTANT to the users to have this and we need ACAD 2018+ support.

    Former Member over 3 years ago

    I fully support this demand. Bentley View CE should be free.


    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago

    Bentley.. THIS hasn't gone away...... Your USERS need a free viewer... please send us an UPDATE... the suspense is killing us....

    Reginald Wallace over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    We are actively looking into the Bentley View CONNECT Edition strategy and will have more information as soon as we can. Thank you for keeping this in the forefront. More soon!

    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago

    First we had Powerscope to read DGN, then Redline, View V8i, View CE.

    Perhaps Bentley is about to surprise us with an all new viewer.

    Oto over 3 years ago

    At last this issue with activation magic circle is resolved in latest CONNECTION client -

    But as the latest connection client is not included in Bentley View v8i it still will deactivate after 7 days so it is not free out-of-the-box. Also when it deactivates it asks to buy a license.

    Andy Parinussa over 3 years ago

    I think Bentley View must be free. But there will not so many vote's, because in most big companies there are one Cad application manager and a lot of users. The users of that company can't vote on this site, because they don't have the permission to login. So I think the users of Bentley products, must be also signed in Bentley communities.

    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago

    I've noticed that this (rather single sided) debat has kind of shifted to 'Bentley View CE should be free'. While I agree with that, the topic started with 'development of Bentley View should not be discontinued'.
    We need a tool to evaluate and print the latest versions of both Microstation and AutoCAD designs, without the hassle of licensing and registration. Oh, and Bentley, please don't keep us in the dark.

    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Ivo Blaauw

    Well it must be Free, that is the whole point. It was always for free and the maint competitors provides many Free viewers.


    Ivo Blaauw over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    It was free indeed. And it still is. And I have no reason to believe it will be otherwise in the futur. You can still find previous versions of Bentley View. But Bentley in all it's wisdom did not decide to charge us for this product, nooo, they decided to stop distribution of new versions all together. Which mean people fall behind more and more every time new functionality is introduced in either Mircostation or AutoCAD.

    Again, an up to date viewer is needed by the community. And it goes without saying that we want this product to be free of charge.


    DanG over 3 years ago

    Not just an updated and totally FREE version of Bentley View V8i/CE is required but support to open DWG 2018 format onwards is required NOW, current latest available FREE Bentley View V8i supports up to DWG 2017 format. We have to use totally FREE AD DWG TrueView instead to open DWG 2018 format.

    Makai Smith over 3 years ago


    Underscoring Bentley's commitment to make no-cost file viewing available to the entire project ecosystem, we will release a CONNECT Edition version of Bentley View. Given the outstanding demand for this, we will make every effort to provide it as quickly as possible. Bentley View CONNECT Edition will provide you and your stakeholders have the latest in data compatibility and connected user experience in order to advance your portfolio to the CONNECT Edition generation. Please stay tuned for more details.


    |\/| /\ |< /\ |

    Makai Smith
    Director, Product Management
    MicroStation Product Line
    Bentley Systems, Inc.


    Gerd Eisenacher over 3 years ago in reply to Makai Smith

    Hi Makai,

    great news. Thanks for sharing,

    I trust you will check the capabilites and of TrueView, Design Review and the DGN plugin for those. For a 2D file review process it is crucial to have Redlining(Markup). Not only that CE Navigator is not free - It is also set to just be usable for 3D model review.

    I would recon Bentley (re)View to help finally streamline the process of review of drawings where today people still use paper redlining or PDF commenting.

    Having an Overlay with comments and markup directly referenced in a drawing would ease the pain of transcribing over an over again and again for so many users.

    If you think about it this should be a push for all other design applications. Complete Designs require those full blown design applications.

    If you are able to provide a (re)View with greatest usability for "Non-CAD" literates (those coming from tools like PDF-Viewers) I imagine it will turn the biggest Win-Wins for the Bentley community - and beyond ...


    Makai Smith over 3 years ago in reply to Gerd Eisenacher

    Thank you for the feedback and suggestion to extend the redlining capabilities!


    DanG over 3 years ago in reply to Gerd Eisenacher

    Exactly what we wanted for so long i.e. 2d ad-hoc DGN/DWG overlay and redlining tools supporting latest 2018 DWG format and above. These are all available in Navigator V8i but the app is not FREE and replaced by Navigator CE (not FREE again and 3d only). We have no FREE alternative from Bentley to achieve those workflows, so we have to resort to Autodesk Design Review with DWG TrueView. There is a gap to fill here, Bentley, do you notice?


    DanG over 3 years ago in reply to Makai Smith

    Exactly what we wanted for so long i.e. 2d ad-hoc DGN/DWG overlay and redlining tools supporting latest 2018 DWG format and above. These are all available in Navigator V8i but the app is not FREE and replaced by Navigator CE (not FREE again and 3d only). We have no FREE alternative from Bentley to achieve those workflows, so we have to resort to Autodesk Design Review with DWG TrueView. There is a gap to fill here, Bentley, do you notice?


    akorl over 2 years ago in reply to Gerd Eisenacher

    need to 2nd the need for basic redline functions - texting, high lighting, arrows, digital signing - some of the same features you get from Adobe's free viewer.

    I have users that need only to view and add basic text, arrows and giving them power draft or navigator is too powerful for them to use or learn. something as simple along the lines of a free Adobe reader with tools.


    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Makai Smith

    Hi Makai

    That is very good news indeed, and good to see that Bentley are lisening to their users.

    Since Bentley View connect is coming out i would like to mention a tool that has been requested many times from users / clients. The ability to have a sectioning/ cutplain tool to easily do revire inside complex 3D geometry. There are workarounds for this, But none as good as beeing able to cut in to the geometry. This is commonly used in other Free viewers and review tools ( sutch as Navisworks fredom etc.)




    Makai Smith over 3 years ago in reply to helgeh

    Thank you for the suggestion. Are you envisioning something like the MicroStation clip volume?

    helgeh over 3 years ago in reply to Makai Smith

    Yes like in MS, or even something simpler/ more userfriendly.





    Frank Klein over 3 years ago in reply to Makai Smith

    I must be dreaming


    Len Wiltenburg over 3 years ago in reply to Makai Smith


    Do you have any high level timelines for this? We are working on upgrading our entire Bentley suite and we would like to incorporate your team's projections into our planning process.




    Dan Eng over 3 years ago in reply to Len Wiltenburg

    Hello Len,

    We are targeting to have a release out before the end of the year (2018). Moving forward, we will have an initial baseline release that will be updatable in the future through the CONNECTION Client so that we can accommodate enhancements to the product.




    Ian Lapper over 3 years ago

    Great news that soon we will have a FREE Viewer (CE). This just goes to show that IF WE the user-base put pressure on Bentley we will WIN.

    Once it is released I encourage ALL of you to download and install it... everywhere...

    KEN-T over 3 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    Yes indeed that is great news, I trust that it will support all things CE such as Item Types and Display Rules

    Thanks for pushing this Ian.


    helgeh over 2 years ago


    I dont see Bentley view Connect avalible for download just yet, but the text has been updated to Connect on Bentleys iware page! ;

    Viewing software for DWG, IFC, DGN, i-models

    In addition to viewing 3D models, you can use Bentley View as a free CAD viewer with capabilities to search for objects, measure distances and areas accurately, and print drawings to scale with full fidelity, on every desktop, for free.

    You can easily open DWG and open DXF designs with the same fidelity as the authoring software.

    With millions of users, Bentley View is the industry's most powerful free viewer. You can view over 50 file formats, including CAD and raster images as well as Bentley's uniquely powerful iModels.

    More than just a free DWG viewer, some of Bentley View’s recent enhancements in the latest CONNECT Edition include:

    Newly Added Format Support:

    RealDWG 2018

    Point-cloud streaming

    Bentley civil terrain models

    JT format

    Rhino V5

    IFC Viewer

    3SM scalable meshes created with ContextCapture

    Advanced Viewing Features:

    Navigate drawings and models using a new streamlined CONNECT Edition user interface

    Dynamically explore models with Clip Volume to slice through models

    Leverage display rules in DGNs to view geometry based on embedded properties

    Easily navigate using touch screen support in Windows 10

    Analyze models by changing their visual display based on object attributes (height, slope, aspect angle)

    View and navigate Bentley’s groundbreaking hypermodels and their embedded plans, sections, and elevations

    You can also use Bentley View as a MicroStation viewer, a free DXF viewer, and to open CAD files directly

    If all you need is to view CAD files, then Bentley View is a great free solution! If you also need to edit them to generate drawings, models, and visualizations, you might consider:

    MicroStation PowerDraft - a powerful and economical option for all your drafting needs


    Oto over 2 years ago in reply to helgeh

    What's New in MicroStation CONNECT Edition
    date 11

    Get a first look at some major new enhancements available in MicroStation CONNECT Edition date 11.

    Configuration assistant to convert pre-CONNECT Edition workspaces for use with CONNECT Edition

    CONNECT Licensing enabling more flexibility and control over your license usage

    Perforators can be used to cut target elements based on their profile

    Named Presentations enables elements to be displayed differently in different view orientations

    iModel 2.0 Publishing now supported

    Bentley View CONNECT Edition to be released


    helgeh over 2 years ago in reply to Oto



    Gerd Eisenacher over 2 years ago in reply to helgeh

    The page states that you can download Bentley View with RealDWG 2018 - so that should be Connect - clicking on the DOWNLOAD button still gives you only V8i.

    Frank Klein over 2 years ago in reply to Gerd Eisenacher

    So what does this mean,Gerd?

    Is there a schedule for "View CE"?


    Gerd Eisenacher over 2 years ago

    Happy and sucessfull New Year to you all!

    Frank Klein over 2 years ago in reply to Gerd Eisenacher

    dito! :-)

    But what about the schedule for "View CE" ;-)

    Gerd Eisenacher over 2 years ago in reply to Frank Klein


    Gerd Eisenacher over 2 years ago

    It is released, hurray!


    To download go to: ( or

    search for product "View"

    Reginald Wallace over 2 years ago in reply to Gerd Eisenacher

    Hi Gerd,

    Yes it has been released! Thank you for providing the link to the announcement. Thank you all for voting on this idea.




    helgeh over 2 years ago in reply to Reginald Wallace

    This good news!

    But i dont see that the clip plane fungtionality was included in Bentley view connect, atleast i could not find it.

    It is mentioned here;

    Advanced Viewing Features:

    Navigate drawings and models using a new streamlined CONNECT Edition user interface

    Dynamically explore models with Clip Volume to slice through models

    Leverage display rules in DGNs to view geometry based on embedded properties

    Easily navigate using touch screen support in Windows 10

    Analyze models by changing their visual display based on object attributes (height, slope, aspect angle)

    View and navigate Bentley’s groundbreaking hypermodels and their embedded plans, sections, and elevations

    You can also use Bentley View as a MicroStation viewer, a free DXF viewer, and to open CAD files directly

    Do you know where i can find this?


    Dan Eng over 2 years ago in reply to helgeh

    Hi Helgeh,

    Let me clarify that bullet point. If there is a clip volume in the file that was created in MicroStation (authoring application), you can view those clips in Bentley View CONNECT Edition. In the attached screen shots, I have a few callouts that were generated and have clip volumes. Hovering over the marker will allow me to turn on or off the clip volume.

    If you would like to use the Clip Volume tools in the current session (of course, these will not be saved because the file is in Read-Only) to review and interrogate an area, then we can look at possibly including this in a future release. Please keep in mind this is the initial release and we can look at enhancing the experience in the future with new updates.


    Daniel Eng

    helgeh over 2 years ago in reply to Dan Eng

    Hi Daniel

    Yes please include this as the current implementation has very limitere usage. You realy need to be able to interrogate an volume area in Bentley view if you want people to use this software efficiantly in complex 3D geometrys.




    Robertas Janulevicius over 2 years ago

    As usual clipping tool is missing. Does somebody forget to turn on a feature?

    Ian Lapper over 2 years ago in reply to Robertas Janulevicius

    I have just checked and the Clip volume tools have been removed. The keyin has also been removed.


    helgeh over 2 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    Not so good news... why tease us with this and then not include it. Other non Bentley free viewers have clip volume / cutplain tools.

    helgeh over 2 years ago in reply to Ian Lapper

    Not so good news... why tease us with this and then not include it. Other non Bentley free viewers have clip volume / cutplain tools.


    Andy Parinussa over 2 years ago

    My clients are pleased with his announcement, and I promoted this to other clients. I suggest to use dynamic views for BIM projects. Because our friends using Navisworks freedom, and they can use a command like dynamic view. If it can be implemented. I will create tutorials for Dutch users.