Add support for IFC4 import/export with textures. Add support for entities IfcBlobTexture, IfcPixelTexture, IfcImageTexture. At least entity IfcIndexedColourMap is already implemented as it shows correctly. Attaching examples with textures from buildingSMART IFC.
This support is much needed because formally there is requirements to deliver data also in IFC format and now exporting reality meshes or terrain the texture material is lost.
Hello Oto, you are absolutely right, textures aren't supported yet. But we agree that this is a great idea and will consider in future releases.
Hi Oto, we are consolidating documentation and information, so I have changed it to "needs review" while we do it. Will get back to you ASAP.
Any examples that IFC with textures are now supported?
Hi Oto, thank you for the idea. MicroStation can import/reference IFC4. Currently we have no plans to export directly, but OpenBuildings Designer and the iTwin Services teams are working on it for their products. More info here:
Oto over 1 year ago
These examples work with latest free FZKViewer.