We currently use Thematic Display Styles to providing shading/color coding for things like elevation ranges, slopes, etc. but we can't communicate this to non-Bentley products which is a norm in our industry. The ability to export these triangles/shapes to DWG, FBX or other formats would allow us to send this data to parties that dont use Microstation, instead of us having to use competing products to deliver this to our clients.
A broader Display Rule export would be a bit trickier in my opinion.
Thanks, maybe a new button in the Thematic Display dialog that would run a command to copy the current Thematic display graphics to static shapes, etc. in the DGN environment and it could be exported to any format
Hi Mark, this something we can look into. Thematic Display and Display rules are related, but exporting the two to other formats will probably need some additional work.
I believe this is strongly linked to idea 154: https://microstation.ideas.aha.io/ideas/MS-I-154