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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

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Removed unwanted Examples workset in Microstation

We need to be able to remove the examples configuration from the start screen ASAP via a workspace configuration variable or as a selection during install. Multiple customers has asked for this since the forced example configuration was added ref ...
over 1 year ago in General 0 Needs review

A new NTv2 file for incorporation in to the Bentley GCS

Hi, we have a new NTv2 for inclusion in the GCS from Network Rail. The attach function below does not recognize a .zip. What is the best way to share the files with you? Kind Regards Steve.
11 months ago in General 0 Planned

Configuration Variables Describing CAD File

This is a straightforward request for set of preset CFG variables that describe the active file that is currently opened. We already have _DGNFILE and some other predefined ones. But can we have more granular predefined/redefinable variables at ru...
over 1 year ago in General 1 Needs review

Place New Element by Selecting Existing Element

This might seem a bit odd but might also be intuitive. Placing a new Element by selecting an existing Element. So, the whole thing goes; It's called 'Place Element by Selection' tool. This Element Creation Tool automatically applies settings based...
over 1 year ago in General 3 Needs review

Caps on when typing in Text Dialog

Similar to AutoCAD, the ability to have Caps on when creating a text note without having 'keyboard' caps turned on.
about 3 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration

Add the ability to reverse zoom wheel direction

Several other CAD programs allow the zoom in/zoom out direction of the scroll wheel to be reversed, with some even having up=out/down=in as the default. Some people (myself included) first learn on programs like this, and it feels more intuitive t...
6 months ago in  1 Needs review

List of enhancement requests so that others can support them

I would like to see a list of Enhancements that are being investigated. When posting about an issue, I often see "this is Enhancement #XXXXXX. You can file a service request to add your name to the list to be notified of updates" I also suspect th...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Extend ribbon to second application window

IT would be a great extension of the ribbon abilities if we could have the ribbon interface extend to the second application window for those of us who use 2.
over 3 years ago in General 3 Needs review

Alt + LMC - add element class to matched attributes

Alt + LMC is a quick way to match attributes with an existing element, and is supposed to match 'all' attributes. However Element Class (Construction or Priority isn't included).
over 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Set Priority on Embedded Excel/Word Doc via Pen Table and Design Script

With pen tables and design scripts setting priorities on other elements, they end up placing linework "on top of" embedded Excel and Word documents. It would be extremely helpful if we could set the priority on these elements as well to better con...
6 months ago in General 0 Needs review