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My ideas

Showing 67

Fix Chamfer by Distances

Chamfer by Distances tool edit handles are opposite the sides they effect which is confusing and far less useful making it impossible to use Bentley's greatest tool (accudraw) to adjust a chamfer visually.
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Planned

Manipulate/Delete Multiple features at once

It's great that i can delete holes now but if i need to delete 20 holes frankly its faster to just start over in some cases. I know i can "delete above" but sometimes that's not easy to do in a long property tree. It would be great if i could hold...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 3 Planned

Fence Stretch Option to NOT add nodes to properties

Fence stretching smart solids was common place in v8i, but the tool is clumsy at best with parametric solids it adds un-wanted nodes and clutters up the properties menu. I imagine some users like myself would prefer it just stretch the underlying ...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing / 3D Modeling 4 Planned

Allow point Shapefiles to display a cell when attaching as a reference.

When attaching a Shapefile as a reference you may specify an Element Template to display the Shapefile graphics in the symbology defined by the template. For point feature Shapefile attachments it would be very helpful to have the point display be...
about 4 years ago in General 1 Planned

A new NTv2 file for incorporation in to the Bentley GCS

Hi, we have a new NTv2 for inclusion in the GCS from Network Rail. The attach function below does not recognize a .zip. What is the best way to share the files with you? Kind Regards Steve.
11 months ago in General 0 Planned

Add Association option to Place Active Line Terminator

In the Place Cell tool settings there is an Association option to associate the cell to an element. Placing line terminator cells need to have the option to associate the terminator cell to the line as well.
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Planned

Create cell should be more clear

I have wasted 3 hours to understand the correct steps to create a cell.In AutoCAD is really more easy and clear. The command: Block opens a dialoog with the necessary buttons: to put the block's name, to select the entities, to pick the origin, et...
about 4 years ago in General 3 Planned

Add Height (Z) Offset for Array tools for 3D

Hello,For 3D modelling could the Array tools (both standard and parametric) be modified to include a Height (Z) offset value (Distance) to the existing the Row or Column inputs.I think this could be useful for creating stepped arrays with one oper...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 0 Planned

Item Types Improvement

Hi All,Would be great to be able to achieve the following;1. A user creates a lookup list with a value, and a description2. The user then configures 2 item properties3. When a user selects the first property (the value), the second property is pop...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Planned

Bug: Double Click to edit stacked fractions

CS0049589-Bug - Double clicking stacked fractions does not work Issue: When you double click a stacked fraction in the text editor dialog box, you are supposed to be able to edit that fraction. This feature does not work for the standard way of en...
over 1 year ago in General 1 Planned