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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 2, 2023

Bug: Double Click to edit stacked fractions

CS0049589-Bug - Double clicking stacked fractions does not work


When you double click a stacked fraction in the text editor dialog box, you are supposed to be able to edit that fraction. This feature does not work for the standard way of entering stacked fractions. To recreate this issue: 1) Create a new text style using the "Working" font and turn on Fractions. 2) Start the place text tool to bring up the text editor. 3) Verify that you are using the text style from step 1. 4) Place a fraction by typing [space]1/2[space] 5) Double click on that fraction--this is supposed to bring up a dialog to edit the fraction, but nothing happens. 6) Optional: Place a stacked fraction by right-clicking and selecting "insert stacked fraction" 7) Optional: Double click on the fraction from step 6--this does bring up the dialog box to edit stacked fractions. The [space]1/2[space] method of placing stacked fractions has been is use a lot longer than the "insert stacked fraction" menu item, and it is a lot faster. This issue is a regression from Microstation V8i. I don't know exactly which version of CE this regression first appeared in. I filed an SR three years ago, and it was incorrectly closed just before converting to the CS system. Please see SR 7001086345 and related ADO Bug 661112. Please get this issue fixed.

This CS was marked as WAD, and closed. This is not WAD--WAD means "Working" as "Designed". Per the developers response, "There are only few predefined fractions in RSC font for which editing is not supported, but for rest of the fractions it does work." The developer says "not supported" and the "", recognizing that this does "NOT WORK" and it is "NOT DESIGNED" to work. Therefore, by definition, this is NOT WAD because both the W and the D are false.

P.S. If the developer understood what "few predefined fractions" really meant, they would realize that means the most commonly used fractions.

Suggestion #1) Fix this regression and make things work. Working for some cases does not mean that a tool works, it just means that the tool doesn't fail all the time.

Suggestion #2) (This is a real suggestion, not a cheap shot.) Bentley needs to hire someone to oversee of the text portion of Microstation who understands how Microstation is used, not just programming. When bugs are marked as WAD and the developer does not understand the difference between working and not working, that person should not be in charge, nor should that person be allowed to close service cases/bug reports.

--Thank you,
--Robert Arnold

  • Guest
    Aug 8, 2023


    I was going to take advantage of this "predefined fraction" situation--I need to search and replace something with a predefined fraction. I used the edit text command to bring up my text to find, selected and copied the text. Then I pasted the text (with the predefined fraction character) into the Find/Replace Text dialog box. What I got was the expanded fraction (made up of numbers and a "/"), instead of the predefined fraction character.

    I mention this because Microstation recognizes the fraction, and treats it as a fraction, except for the double-click-to-edit-fractions feature. This feature is not consistant with how the user expect it to work, previous versions of Microstation, and other parts of the current version of Microstation. This is a bug, which as been brushed off as an idea.
