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Status Planned
Categories Collaboration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2021

Item Types Improvement

Hi All,
Would be great to be able to achieve the following;
1. A user creates a lookup list with a value, and a description
2. The user then configures 2 item properties
3. When a user selects the first property (the value), the second property is populated with the associated description.
(Example: User picks a Uniclass value, and the associated description is populated in a separate property)

Additionally, it would be nice to have the ability to cascade lookups.
1. A user selects a value for one property.
2. Based on that value, additional properties are "filtered"

  • Guest
    Mar 11, 2022

    Hi Paul, the first two point are already possible using a LookUp expression. Once you setup the expression you just need to use a property as your description and you can have it populated directly from the the Excel data. If you change the data in the Excel file, the instances using that data will update when the file is re-opened.

    You can find instruction for setting up LookUps in the MicroStation documentation and in this blog


    Marco Salino

  • Guest
    Jun 4, 2021

    Hi Paul, thanks fo the idea whcih we will evaluate for one of the next releases of MicroStation.