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2D Drawing

Showing 249 of 1699

Option to Delete Sheet Model and ALL associated parts

When we want to delete a sheet model we normally have to delete 1) the actual sheet/drawing model(s) 2) the Named Boundary and sometimes 3) the Saved View. It would be extremely helpful to have an option to fully delete the Sheet and all associate...
29 days ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Create Region - Associative Regions

Please enhance the Create Region tool to work on Associative Regions. Associative Regions from DWGs are not recognised.
about 1 month ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Print Filled Visible Edges non-rasterized

Unless I am very mistaken, when using "Filled Visible Edges" display style on a drawing (with Visible Edges set to "Dynamic"), the only way to have the fill of the elements actually printing to PDF is to set Rasterize to "On". This is really bad! ...
about 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 2 Needs review

Title block manager

Can we have an option to help users manage a titleblock. Similar to the Axiom Title block tool. What I would like is a dialog that can help users place Titleblock data, revision text and then link this to an issue sheet. Ian Lapper
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Planned

Span text background over multiple lines (text styles)

I'd love to have an option to use the text blocks for text backgrounds and background lines instead of having this optiononly for single lines in order to prevent behaviour as can be seen in the attached screenshot.That's not what I want: That's w...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 2 Planned

Label Coordinates - add option to include a leader line

The current label coordinate tool is great but it needs an option to include a leader line or datum symbol + leader line. see image
9 months ago in 2D Drawing 0 Future consideration

Note/Dimension style with leader under the first line

I'd like to request the ability to set up a Note (dimension) style that places a leader line underneath the FIRST line of text while allowing other lines of text beneath the leader line. Something that might look like this: We need notes that look...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Planned

Clip Boundary and Mask for Reference/Raster should all work same

It would be good to have reference and raster clipping tools all work the same.Currently each tool has inconsistencies from each other.Note: I would use Reference Clip Boundary as basis of design for all options since it providesmost functionality...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Future consideration

Combined move/copy/rotate function

User wants to be able to move an object and emmidiately start rotating it after placing. This would save time in the part where you have to reselect and snap the object again. Similar for a copy command. Also a checkbox to turn the move tool into ...
over 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 1 Needs review

Make Text word wrap work without spaces

would be nice if word wrap would work without needing spaces.we typically do a pen table replacement for the full file path when printing. but the paths are going off the page. word wrap doesnt work most of the time because it only wraps whole wor...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Planned