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113 VOTE

CE - Home use license (NOT AVAILABLE IN CE)

All As per the 'Bentley View' saga/idea, we need to YOU to VOTE to push Bentley into making a HOME USE license available for ALL CONNECT software and NOW, not in 12-24 months time. As it stands, this is not possible and Bentley are telling users t...
over 3 years ago in Collaboration 3 Will not implement

File Open options > Do not load references files

With the increase in data being added to a DGN files, the file sizes are increasing, more so with the huge DWG files that are coming about.This all relates to a time it takes to open Bentley applications. It would be good to have open dialog optio...
over 3 years ago in Collaboration 4 Future consideration

Add functionality of 'Unit Formatting' option when creating table from a report

When creating a table from a report there is no option to show/hide units of a number type item type property. A setting for 'Unit Formatting' similar to what is available for text fields will be helpful for report definitions.
about 1 year ago in Collaboration 0 Future consideration

Cell description to be added in Properties dialog

I would like to use our cell libraries to produce BOQs for easier collaboration with the construction team. Using Item Types and Reports I would like to be able to use the expression this.GetElement().CellName and this.GetElement().CellDescription...
about 1 month ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Import and/or reference Revit models

Just referencing the geometry would be fine.
over 3 years ago in Collaboration 7 Already exists

Packager - retain folder structure

Can we have an option (Tick box) to enable us to extract the packager contents to the same folder structure that they were created from. As it stands, it extracts them into one folder. Ian
about 1 month ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

DGNLIB Audit Tool

What's in a DGNLIB? This question has been asked a few times on the V8i Forums.BackgroundAdministrators are increasingly using DGNLIBs to define project standards. That's one reason why Bentley invented DGNLIBs, to provide a project-wide resource....
over 3 years ago in Collaboration 6 Future consideration

Tables - Can we add a Sum option

Now that we have the ability to add tables to our DGN files. We can add the areas of many shapes to the table. It would be very useful to have an option to calculate the sum of all the areas. At the moment we have to copy/paste this into excel to ...
over 3 years ago in Collaboration 2 Future consideration

Expand ItemType Export/Import Functionality

When exporting ItemTypes to Excel, allow the following as options: Choose Excel file to export to (can currently only select folder and name is automatic) Allow exporting from multiple dgns (with a selection of all models, default only, etc.) Sele...
9 months ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

New Level Manager Field/Column -> Concatenated Properties String

Hello Bentley, This idea is for a new Level property/Field which is a concatenation of all the other Level properties as a single string. Any unused properties can be something like Null or a zero. This column can be exported to a text file or to ...
about 1 month ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review