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Status Already exists
Categories Collaboration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2021

Import and/or reference Revit models

Just referencing the geometry would be fine.

  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2024

    I added an idea similar to this one for OpenRoads some weeks ago and it merged here.

    I went through all the comments and links, it worked! But I tend to disagree with the term "already existis".

    For bently, it already exists means: if you go through this 30min to 2hr workflow per file using parallel plataforms you will eventually get it.

    You are not the organization admin? Go check in your company who is and find out how to make it work. Big files? More hours. 20 plus rvt files? You are in for a week.. Revisions? Whoa, spend another week. I could go on..

    For me, already exists means: reference tool, select, attatch, see result. Revision? Just uptade through the reference tool bar.

    BIM files (IFC, RVT, PLN, ..) tend to be way more complex then simple dwg and cad files. They have sites, floors, spaces, ...

    Maybe we should push for a more advanced and specializer reference tool for those kind of models. Maybe something closer to how Trimble Connect Desktop app displays ifc models.

    If you guys agree with my point, I request the status of this idea to be changed to Future Considaration.

  • Guest
    May 11, 2023

    Feedback, I can't use the cloud to generate an imodel from Revit and I can't get the iTwin Snapshot to load the Revit plugin. It would be nice if there was a real "secure" method to reference a Revit model directly.

  • Guest
    Dec 21, 2022
    Rvt via itwin is in pretty rough currently. Not really usable in a production environment. Hope that improvements are on the way. No way to turn levels on off. Or access important info like 2d floor plans or sections or details. No way to extract components like doors etc. There should be a way to export all components as rfas. No option to merge or file fence the rvt imodel as dgn. No way to control or override symbology. So useless for leveraging for documentation one of the most oft needed tasks. Bentley seems to have stuck their heads in the sand here thinking all the user needs is nongraphic info?
  • Admin
    Tamicca Sellars
    Jul 12, 2022

    Hello, In addition to attaching an iModel as a reference as mentioned by Marco You can then merge the iModel into the master DGN file All of the functionality mentioned is available in MicroStation CONNECT Edition Update 17. Please give it a try send us your feedback.

  • Guest
    Feb 28, 2022

    Hi Marco,

    I agree with you but it needs some extra cost. As I know iTwin services are not free, but maybe I'm wrong.

    Today I only saw a demonstration on a video but never a real case explained from A to Z. Could you do that ? Is there somewhere a complete explanation of this process ?

    Many thanks !


  • Guest
    Feb 28, 2022

    Hi, it is currently possible to publish a Revit model to Itwin and then reference the Itwin in MicroStation. This way you can access all the Revit geometry and business data without the need to have access to Revit but using Itwin Synchronizer.

  • Guest
    Sep 17, 2021

    Revit has became an important piece of software for user dealing with building projets.

    A way to communicate, share, read information with it is certainly a "must have" in any professional BIM software. Bentley can did it, then just do it ! ;-)

    As Channel Partner, we are regularly requested by users to have this functionnality. iModel plug-in for Revit is my main answer, but this needs a translation and in any translation, you loose information...

    1 reply

REVIT files interoperability

Capability to reference, import and export REVIT files. Revits is one of the most used software for architecture and structures in my country. Many projects use it as a standard format for easy collaboration. It's replacing the dwg for most. This ...
almost 1 year ago in  1 Already exists