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Status Already exists
Categories 2D Drawing
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 27, 2021

Rotate text placed at arbitrary angle back to 0 or 90 degree

command or key-in for text that is placed at an arbitrary angle be easily rotated to sit at 0 or 90 degrees to match other text placed horizontally, without having to delete it and then re-entering it.

  • Guest
    Dec 5, 2024

    Not quite 3 months into using microstation, but I have this issue and just found a way to tackle it that I think will be helpful. Line, Text, and Cell have all worked so far. Former AutoCAD user, bear with me, this will be using 3 point rotate, with nothing selected, start Rotate command (Q,R), select object, press R,E to start Rotate to Element, hover over object to be rotated, click on object to engage Rotate to Element, select one point on object, then select a second point using accudraw's ortho, press V (accudraw should rotate to drawing plane) use accudraw's ortho for final point.

  • Guest
    Jul 18, 2022

    Tamica Sellars such tool doesn't exist and Rotate tool is not usable for such cases when multiple text elements are selected and each have different angle as rotate tool rotates relative to element and not to absolute angle.
    Propeties winows is a workaround not a solution as it is slow to select multiple elements and if text and cells are selected then are not grouped together. Please review the status of this request.

  • Admin
    Tamicca Sellars
    Jul 12, 2022

    Hi Oto, In addition to Gerd's suggestion to use the Properties dialog, to achieve your request you can also use the rotate tool > Active Angle Method (see help

  • Guest
    Jun 14, 2022

    Why limit this to text? Let's have this implemented for cells as wel.

  • Guest
    Oct 13, 2021

    Select the text

    Change its angle in the Element Info (Geometry section) to either 0° or 90°

  • Guest
    May 12, 2021

    VBA macro is complicated and too advanced for such basic task. Formatting issues are common. We have a tool for Change Case but not a tool to simply adjust absolute rotation for text and cells. Element properties are not good alternative. Also option to match other text rotation would be nice or attach existing text to line. Of course such text formatting workflows should be replaced with items or other 2.5D GIS approach but unfortunately even Items also lack such tools.

    In a wider context it would be helpful to be able to rotate a number of selected elements all to the same absolute angle in a single operation (which cannot be done from Element Properties). How about adding two options to the existing "rotate element" tool to make it more flexible: "to absolute angle" and "about element origin"?