Currently, if we have several dialogs such as Model dialog and Reference, we can see them together ifwe dock them in the same side of the screen.
However, if I put those dialogs in a second screen (monitor), then I can't dock them, so it would be interesting that the user were able to create custom dialogs (compoound dialogs) from the existing dialogs.
Jan Šlegr over 1 year ago
Hi Joan Martinez,
why did you posted "GUI enhancement idea" as Data interoperability topic?
However, if I put those dialogs in a second screen (monitor), then I can´t dock them
I tried to dock dialog at second MicroStation screen and it works fine (different dialog in different configuration tried).
I recommend to ask in MicroStation forum (and to follow standard best practices like to specify exactly MicroStation version, Windows version, graphic card model and driver version etc.), or to create Service Ticket.
so it would be interesting that the user were able to create custom dialogs (compoound dialogs) from the existing dialogs.
Frankly, I do not understand such idea and approach: When something does not work, why to ask for something that is substantially more complicated (both from implementation and UX perspectives) and does not solve the original issue at all?
With regards,