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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

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Showing 1694

add leader to notes

and the ablity to and a leader to an existing note
almost 2 years ago in General 1 Future consideration

Explorer display descriptions of cells rather then just names.

It would be nice if when displaying a list of cell libraries in Explorer if we could have the ability to see both the name of the cell AND the description and not just the name.
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Inside of Item types, allow nested Property Types.

Nesting of Property Types, for example, would allow an array of sign panels on a post to have Pay Item information attached to each sign panel. So, if I have an Item type with an array Property Definition set to a Property Type, I can attach that ...
almost 2 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Adding a phase property for each object

Hello everyone, Why not integrate a notion of phasing into the drawings? Currently, to represent 10 phases of a construction site, I draw on 10 different models. The idea would be to draw everything on the same model. I admit that this is a fea...
6 months ago in General 0 Needs review

CE - Configuration Explorer

We need Configuration Explorer for CE ASAP please Best tool for working through variables, yet it doesn't work in CE.. Ian
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Already exists

ID surface depending on the material applied, or by color and level.

A new Render output, the ID surface depending on the material applied, or by color and level, in addition to the ID surface per element that already exists
about 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Synchronised View Windows

Transfered from EAP Ideas listThe Ribbon stuff is all nice and all, but I hope that the dev team are not thinking... 'Phew, that's the pesky human interaction stuff out of the way... back to debugging, performance, assembly code, lovely hash table...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Saved View + DV Model Linking

I think that one of the most confusing thing about the Dynamic View creation process is tracing and managing the separate 2d Drawing (and Sheet) models.When a DV is created as a separate model in the active file, it would be great if there would b...
about 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Full screen mode

[View:] Could we have a full screen mode please? That would be full screen without any menus, ribbon, etc in display, only the view...
about 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Autocomplete in the "Active Cell" field

Hi,All is said in the title. It would be useful to have an autocompletion when filling the field "Active Cell" in the "Place Active Cell" or any tools where a cell name is requested ("Pattern Area", "Place label",...)Also, the behaviour is differe...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Future consideration