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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

All ideas

Showing 1663 of 1663

GenerativeComponents for Microstation

Hi all, As we now have GenerativeComponents included with OpenBuildings, OpenRoads, OpenSite and OpenRail Designer, and just recently OpenBridge Modeler, adding GenerativeComponents to Vanila Microstation seems like the next logical step. Adding t...
over 3 years ago in General 7 Future consideration

Picklists: Can a Picklist have a description as well as a name?

It would be useful, when managing Picklists, for a Picklist to have a description as well as a name.For example, a Picklist named "Door Furniture" might be described "Assign this Picklist to Item Type 'Door' property 'fittings'."
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Planned

Calculated Fields

Fields are used to report and annotate File, Model, Cell, Element Properties. It would be good to be able to support the use of expressions so the information extracted can be manipulated or used to calculate / derive other values.Possible uses: W...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Planned

Text: Decimal Justification

MicroStation allows text to be justified in several ways. However, those abilities do not include decimal justification. MicroStation CONNECT includes Tables. Wouldn't it be great to have a decimal alignment option similar to Microsoft Excel and W...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 2 Planned

Line Style Editor - User Interface Redesign

Overhaul the current Line Style Editor user interface. It is very non-intuitive and difficult to work with, which discourages both CAD administrators and the more tech savvy CAD users from creating custom line styles. Changes to the functionality ...
over 1 year ago in General 1 Planned

Hide in VIEW

An option I use to other applications ie Revit and AECOsim is the 'Hide in View' tool. Simply right click on an element and select Hide in View. That element is then hidden. There is an option to view Hidden items, where you can use the un-hide in...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 7 Planned

Microstation should support DWG Dynamic Blocks in a 1:1 way, hopefully with Cells

As I found in an old Topic :
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Planned

Measure - Change Units

Adding a dropdown to the Measure Tool to allow the user to change the measurement unit. Currently, the only way to Measure in different units is to change the Design File Working Units, however, this causes other issues and permanently changes Wor...
almost 2 years ago in  0 Future consideration

Adding search filters for references

I often have hundreds of references in a file, especially in a combined models. Having a way of filtering down references would be really useful.
about 2 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

BCF manager

I came across some threads on the OBD forums about BCF compatibility. There are already some ideas on the MS ideas portal as well, but all seem a bit fragmented. I think what we really need is a complete BCF manager, either developped by Bentley o...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 7 Future consideration