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My ideas: General

Showing 25

Speed up ideas

There are so many ideas “in the pipe”. Is it too prudent to ask if it would be possible to commit to the active user base and boost the processes? (I guess we are longanimous or rather too silently impatient) That relates to the timeframe ideas ar...
almost 2 years ago in General 1 Already exists

Add recently used commands to RMB popup menu

Since the same tools are often used in quick succession it would be helpful to make the five most recently used tools available in the Right Mouse Button menu. This would exclude view commands.Entries would be at top similar to picture.
about 4 years ago in General 2 Already exists

Cells manager

I like alot the References manager in MicroStation.In my opinion, MicroStation should also have a manager for inserted cells in the drawing.This way, we could do operations such as select and element of the cell, copy an element of the cell, etc.....
about 4 years ago in General 1 Already exists

change direction of multiple elements

I'd like to be able to select multiple elements, then choose CHANGE DIRECTION, then click desired element to flip or all (holding CTRL). Just as it was possible in V8iSS10 and previous. Currently (in CE15) I cannot pre-select elements, because CHA...
almost 3 years ago in General 4 Already exists

Dimension Arcs/Circles with Dim Element

The Dimension element toolbox prompts for Diameter out, or Radius in when you click on a arc or circle. I would like the option to also choose Diameter in and Radius out as these options exist within the dimension styles. This is howthe old radial...
about 4 years ago in General 1 Already exists

Access ProjectWise When Creating Links

I would like the ability to access ProjectWise in Explorer -> Links when creating a 'Link From File' so that I can attach links to elements that our external consultants can retrieve.
7 months ago in General 2 Already exists

Allow non-numerical characters to be placed in stacked fractions

Currently in Microstation's text fields stacked fractions will only trigger with numerical characters. This limits formatting options and can lead to "fudging" the look of annotations.
over 1 year ago in General 0 Already exists

Abandon the ribbon

Abandon the ribbon and go back to the legacy tool palettes. IMO, the ribbon takes too much time to find the proper tool and switch between tools.
over 1 year ago in General 2 Already exists

Annotate element information

I would like to be able to annotate information on an element. Today this is very tedious (or its me that havent found a good way of doing it). I would like to have a tool that allows me to click on an element and then choose what information to s...
over 2 years ago in General 1 Already exists

Item reports add counter

Add option for count not only Serial Number.Serial number doesn't work as counter.
12 months ago in General 2 Already exists