Add support not only for WMS but also WMTS background data. Some services offer only WMTS and not both. For users it is confusing as WMS for them is the same as WMTS. We need xWMTS.
There is an urgent need to integrate the RESTFUL protocol with WMTS, as more and more public administration services are only offered via the restful protocol.
Still doesn't work. Shipped or not.
WHEN will the restful protocol with WMTS be integrated into the microstation? WHEN does it work?
What does the remark "is shipping" mean? That it has been shipped in 17.2 (or earlier)? Or that it is coming in the next release of MS?
As stated before, it would be very useful for us users to see from which version of the software something is (supposed to be) shipped.
WMTS marking as shipped doesn't make it work.
OGC WMTS is shipping, for the comment about REST, see another idea :
There is an urgent need to integrate the RESTFUL protocol with WMTS, as more and more public administration services are only offered via the restful protocol.