WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...
Labels are extremely useful for annotation, however one downside is that they cannot be tagged to elements within reference files, meaning all labels have to be placed within the same file as active geometry. Fields that the labels are based on ca...
over 1 year ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
We increasingly get files where e.g. the architectural floor plan is "bound" as a cell. Especially in DWGs this appears thepopular method to deliver files with xrefs included as pseudo cells. (Same you do when you SaveAs a DGN and choose the optio...
References: Don´t merge levels if they have the same name.
scenario:I attach 2 references in my drawing:Reference1: drawing1.dgnlevel's name:level 1level 2level 3 Reference2: drawing2.dgnlevel's name:level 1level 2level 3 If I use the command: "Merge into master" to merge the Reference1, I get the new lev...
To add a Link to a element in a model, the user first has to add the Link to the Project Explorer Links tab... using drag and drop (Bravo!). He then has to drag and drop the Link on to the element in the View Window.What would be great is if the u...
about 4 years ago
in Collaboration
Future consideration
Bylevel and Level Overrides for Hatches/Patterns and Fills
Make Bylevel and Level Overrides recognise Hatches and Patterns. If a H/P is placed on a particlar level, then it will use a H/P pre-defined for that level. This should also pave the way for H/P's to be overriden by level.Make Bylevel / Level Over...
about 4 years ago
in Visualization
Future consideration
Add options to Bentley DGN preview Handler for Windows Explorer
Add options for level display such asAll ON, Off By Element, All Off Except Element.Add view attribute options for Fill, Line Styles, Line Weights, etc...Add Standard views such as Top, Front, Right, etc...
about 4 years ago
in Collaboration
Future consideration
Hi All,Would be great to be able to achieve the following;1. A user creates a lookup list with a value, and a description2. The user then configures 2 item properties3. When a user selects the first property (the value), the second property is pop...
The Dimension element toolbox prompts for Diameter out, or Radius in when you click on a arc or circle. I would like the option to also choose Diameter in and Radius out as these options exist within the dimension styles. This is howthe old radial...