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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

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Showing 1693

Insert Photo with geolocation (geo tagging) and create hyperlinks.

Autodesk has at least 3 third companies which develope addons and they are all this command. In case of MicroStation, I have found this but they don´t reply. I think this command sho...
over 3 years ago in General 1 Future consideration

Solar panels

Solar panel samples missing from cell libraries. Need some examples for start.
over 1 year ago in Visualization 0 Will not implement

Predefined Capsule Cell for Tag Label in OpenPlant Modeler

In OpenPlant Modeler, we do not have any predefined cell shape to be used upon placement of labels for tagged component. We would like to have an auto-sized capsule that will auto-size based on the tag length and tag/text would be in center-center.
over 1 year ago in  0 Needs review

Bing aerial zoom

Keep Bing aerial image zoomable beyond last zoom level and do not show crossed camera picture. Also refer to: Bug 1530997: [CS0294189] Bing Map disappears when zooming in
over 1 year ago in General 2 Will not implement

Annotation cells use referenced geometry

Using cells to annotate coordinates in a 2D drawing is good for X and Y coordinates. However the "annotation cell" takes it's origin in the drawing where it is placed. So if that origin doesn't coincide with the origin of the referenced file we mi...
over 3 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Seed Files by WorkSpace and WorkSet

Can we set the default seed file location and the default seed to use by workspace and work set to override the users last used seed so that when they are changing jobs (workspaces/worksets) they don't drop into the wrong seed folder MS_SEEDFILES ...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Needs review

VBA ESRI GroupedHole element Issue

In VBA I would like to have the same ability as most other GIS elements, to use a groupedhole element within an ESRI shp file referenced to a dgn file. Using MicroStation update 16.1 requires the groupedhole element to be added to the dgn file be...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Change MicroStation.exe to include version number

With the new MS 2023. the exe is still MicroStation.exe. can this be changed to include the version number i.e. MicroStation2023.0.exe We use external software to report on live usage. as it stands the only way we can do this is to install MS into...
over 1 year ago in General 0 Needs review

Screen Menus - Quick viewing and extraction of Cells in Dgn

It would very very very useful to be able to generate SMs and automatically assign hyperlinks to the Cells visible. The hyperlinks would include ElementIDs or similar to allow the user to extract and place the Cell in the active model. https://com...
over 3 years ago in 3D Modeling 0 Needs review

Modify Solids - By Face - to Imaginary Line, Shape/Face, Plane by 3 Points w/ Offset

The Modify Solids tool will be increasing used as more and more needs to be modeled in 3d first for BIM purposes. It would be very very useful to add a few more options in addition to distance. See OpenBuildings Designer's Extend Linear Form tool....
over 3 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Needs review