Parametrics saves time. No need to re-set up Accudraw / ACS everytime. Much easier to just mod the parameter. OTOH, using Constraints to set up Parametrics can be a pain and bloats up the file. If you want to be able to move a Feature in one direc...
I note that the 3d Dimension Constraint starts to work on Features but gives up half way though. The Constraint is visible in the Properties Panel but not working. It would be great to have constraints work on all Feature Solids as well as Solids
ETs are great and the number of properties it can enforce is growing. Even covers Item Types now. I think in practice a lot of users will need to be able to override some of the properties. The CAD admin will never be able to forsee all requiremen...
"This allows administrators to create templates in one place and to distribute them to many users. Templates can be applied to existing elements. They also can be used to set the active settings for element placement. " ETs are very powerful for e...
There are apparently multiple types of 3d fixed: whole element, face, edge, vertex and axis. It would be good to name in the Properties Panel. BTW: the Fixed constraints dont seem to working in OBD U9.3 (Mstn 16.3)?
Extrude Along Path: need to recognise Paths and Profiles in Ref Attachments
A lot Paths will be in Ref attachments. The same would go Profiles. See how Extrusion and Thicken works with Keep Original option. Paths will often be in separate files holding guide and alignment geometry. Multiple Profiles can be Ref attached mo...
Extrude Along Path : should recognise Profiles and Paths Saved as Cells
See OBD Profile tool for some of the proposed functionality. It would be good tp also recognise Shared Cell behaviour. Ie when the Shared Cell is modfied all Extrusions utilising the Shared Cells as either Profiles or Paths get updated. Dialog to ...
Previous / Next Model - Option to maintain Ref attachments, level settings
When moving between models, it would be useful to be able to temporarily override the model's Ref attachment and level settings to give the illusion that the user is editing a model in place. When editing a vessel model that has a nozzle and suppo...
Similar to AutoCAD which differentiates between BLOCK which writes to the internal Block Table (Mstn Shared Cells) and WBLOCK that writes to an external file. Mstn has slowly incorporated Shared Cells but not really reflected this in the Cell Crea...
Replace / Update Cell could be tweaked to do replace the selected Cell with a Reference Attachement. This will help the user leverage the functionality provided by Ref Attachments when creating and using Cells. See previous discussion, item 2.