Item Types should enable creation of a pre-defined list for a property
With MicroStation CONNECT Update 4 and earlier we can define Item Types and the data type assigned to each property. What the user does when creating an Item instance from that Item Types schema is current a free-for-all: user can enter any data s...
In MicroStation you can recall keyins in the keyin-dialog. But you can not recall the last commands that you called via tools. In competition products you get the list of last functions in the keyin no matter if called via keyin or a tool. This is...
Placement Points should be available for all cell types
Placement Points were introduced as a Technology Preview for Parametric cells in Update 14. They add useful functionality when creating an instance of a cell. Placement Points would be equally useful in normal and shared cells.
Allow update of shared cells via right click>update cell from library
It would be good if we could simplify the shared cell definition update to a right click>update from library as per element templates, materials, multi-lines etc etc...The current workflow is, to say the least convoluted,- open the dgn file (in...
Make Geographic Coordinate System coordinates available to Text Fields
A Geographic Coordinate System (GCS) provides a great way to impose a geographically-accurate coordinate system on your DGN model. The GCS has been part of MicroStation since V8i, and continues in CONNECT. There's probably a GCS already available ...
Many organisations use secured ArcGIS mapservers. MicroStation can connect to a secured featureservice, but not mapserver. There doesn't appear to be a way to pass a token via the URL in the mapserver address. Suggest include ability to authentica...
HI All I have raised this with Bentley and got a reply that there is no scope to get this added. So I thought maybe the power of the user base may help.I want an option to include or not the CONNECT Advisor on installation. I have mocked up and im...
Currently there does not seem to be a way to totally constrain an arc element (i.e. keep it from flipping to the inverse arc) If there was a tool that would constrain the arc length with a value or expression it seems like this could be accomplished.