We regularly have to do things like "Drop Linestyle" or "Mesh from Element" to change elements from one type to another for BIM project delivery. One frustrating thing about this is that we usually have populated Item Type data on the original obj...
MicroStation update 17.2.61, wow!, just what I have been looking for, however it does not work with GIS Items. Looks like when we merge/copy GIS elements to the active file, the Items need to be put into proper MicroStation Items so that this will work with them. Is that possible.
Release announcement: https://communities.bentley.com/products/microstation/f/microstation-announcements-forum/231698/microstation-connect-edition-update-17.
What's New: https://youtu.be/eYUSSD0Yhtc.
Video Playlist: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEtk-CjYPFGi_vikirnHJkpYSbkaccZnZ.
Hi Marco, sorry for the delay
Yes exactly as you describe. Create a copy of an Item Type instance and attach it to the another element, keeping all properties values as the source? And for example an area value is copied, the copied item type reads the element and automatically fills the right value
Hi Marco,
yes, it's exactly how it should (at least for me) work :-)
I can imagine something simple and similar to "brush" in Word and other programs (that has never worked in a friendly way in MicroStation): Select source element, modify parameters when necessary (see below) and apply the operation to other elements (with no necessirt to hold "+" to add more elements.
Input conditions
When no element is selected, start selection (including reference)
When one element is selected, start the tool as the source element is defined
When more elements are selected, clear selection set and start selection
Location filter should be whether at least one Item Type is attached to the element.
Workflow / tool settings
When the source element is selected, display a list of all attached Item Types, with a checkbox for every Item Type. The checkbox whether specific Item Type should be applied (attached) to a target element. They should be set ON by default, because the most often situation probably is there is one Item Type and it's expected to be cloned.
When Item Typos to be cloned are set, selecting elements duplicates them and attach them to selected element(s). Location filter there is read-only element flag (locked elements, elements in references...).
With regards,
This is related to my idea about Item Type propagation rules.
Hi Mark, I would like to understand better how this tool should work, do you want to create a copy of an Item Type instance and attach it to the another element, keeping all properties values as the source?
This is mitigated somewhat by the ability to Export/re Import the listing of ITEM TYPES.
The only ITEM field I fill in is the NAME, so I can correlate the Element ID to the entity, then use Excel fill down process.
Just be aware of the dependencies you may have coded to the fields as expressions may fail.
However, I do support this as a basic "should have been done from the start"