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Created by Guest
Created on Mar 30, 2022

history list for(repetitively used) commands

In MicroStation you can recall keyins in the keyin-dialog.

But you can not recall the last commands that you called via tools.

In competition products you get the list of last functions in the keyin no matter if called via keyin or a tool.

This is helpful if you have to repetitively go through a couple of commands.

  • Admin
    Tamicca Sellars
    Sep 14, 2023


    In MicroStation 2023 you will now be able to view and access the recently used commands in the active DGN. This new feature comes in the form of a Recents tab, which has been added to the Keyboard Shortcuts Pop-up menu. This tab can display up to 10 commands that you have recently used.

  • Guest
    May 5, 2023

    It also might not be a big deal in the first place knowing that every button is based on a key-in. So why not parse that into the Key-in window? then the user could just use the key-in window and repeat them.


New "Repeat Last Command" command

Just like the "Select Previous" command, a command to actually "Repeat Last Command" (available as a keyin) is something that is sorely needed in the Microstation environment. It would allow users to quickly restart any command that resets by defa...
almost 3 years ago in General 2 Shipped