Enable and disable snapping to the line style features without changing the line style definition or disabling the view of the line styles (view attributes). This would m ake it easier to snap to what you want because It is not always easy to cont...
Can we add extra functionality to the expression builder to allow non coders the help they need to work out the expression? Maybe offer a search option ie What do you want to do? OK here are some examples Ian Lapper
Change the width of the Level Picker in the attribute ribbon while changing the value of the variable MS_LEVEL_PICKER_WIDTH. Currently it is only working for the attribute toolbox.
Beim Auslesen von Ebenen über Berichte aus mehreren Zeichnungen sollte, wenn der Dateiname abgefragt wird, auch vor jeder Ebene der Dateinamen stehen, damit man eine direkte Zuordnung hat. Teilweise fordern unsere Kunden das und es wäre so viel ei...
Possibility to use Named Boundaries from reference file to create drawings
If it has been possible to use a Named Boundary from a reference file to create drawings you could create a kind of "seed"-file for a project with all possible types of drawings in that specific project. Today when you reference in a file with Nam...
over 1 year ago
in 2D Drawing
Future consideration
I want a tool to remove arcs from a complex chain. The available tool for this is Facet Curve, but it affects all the arcs in the complex chain. In most cases, this is not desirable. Modify tool can only change the radius and similar properties. C...
Bentley for many years, despite of requests and warnings, have ignored the fact e.g in Europe (because of INSPIRE) the most of data providers migrated to newer WMS versions (because of upgrade of their servers) and often offering data using only W...
Expand new Propagate Item Types to Mesh/Solid Creation & Manipulation tools
Many users regularly use the Mesh creation tools like Mesh from Element to convert elements like Shapes, Solids, etc. to mesh objects or Convert to Solid to do this with solids. Especially for BIM and Civil modeling workflows, one challenge is whe...
When inserting text, when properties are associated, if they are empty, the text could be hidden. This would be useful, for example, in a legend with revisions. Where there are lines that would only appear if the revisions were considered.