As a user I would like to be able to define a symbol that makes a dimension line appear jogged or broken and have it appear as part of the dimension element. Note ISO 129-1:2018 Dimension lines shall be indicated as continuous narrow lines accordi...
Dimension total length along element (chained & non linear elements)
I'd like to suggest to implement the ability to dimension the length of non linear elements that can be measured. example screenshot shows a dimension I had to create manually.
When selecting an Element Template, there does not seem to be a logical order of element templates or folders. It would be much simpler to have all folders and templates in alphabetical order. See the screenshot below from ORD.
It would be good to add a drop down menu to the existing right-click menu. Large projects need to handle attaching Refs that are very remote from the active working area. This usually means having to Fit All with Ref attachments on. Using the Move...
The Smart line tool is in desperate need of an update. Missing: Arc by point through then end Arc by end then radius Arc by start/end angle Arc length variables Toggle to change arc direction, rather than having to zoom out and rotate mouse about ...
After creating sheets and arrange them on different folders under Sheet Index the Sequence number is set to count all sheets in all folders. Please add the property of the Sequence number that count only inside the folder and restart to 1 on the n...
Es gibt ja die Möglichkeit den Dateinamen als Datenfeld abzugreifen. Schön wäre es, wenn das auch für den Modellnamen, beispielsweise von einem Layout, funktionieren würde.
Should be a way to export to DWG in MicroStation without including the element attributes. Currently, we are facing situations where attributes are being exported along with the drawing, which is not desired in certain cases.
When using the command View Rotate Element on a text element rotates the view so that the text rotates to the nearest quadrant. For example if the text is close to upside down it will rotate the text to upside down instead of rotating the view so ...
MicroStation Certification for Virtual App and Desktop version LTSR 2402
MicroStation is certified for Citrix Hypervisor (formerly known as XenServer). This is a virtualization platform that allows users to create and manage virtual machines (VMs). We do not use VMs to distribute MicroStation via a Citrix environment. ...