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Showing 367

User / App defined Level Properties or Item Types

Transfered from EAP ldeas listMstn Level Properties already store Name, Description, Library, Number, Priority, Transparency, Global Display/Freeze, Plot... ByLevel and Override settings for Color, Style, Weight, Material, Custom linestyles.. Used...
about 4 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Support loading OTF fonts via MS_FONTPATH

Currently OTF fonts are supported if installed into Windows, but not loading by using MS_FONTPATH. This can be a problem for projects involving multiple companies where some companies may have strict policies about installing things on computers, ...
about 2 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

auto dimension a custom line style as it is drawn

So I created a custom line style as well as custom text styles which right now I would have to drawn my custom line and the separately have to add my dimension and bearing which is then associated with said line. What I would love to see is a way ...
about 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Future consideration

Customize Sheet Index Table

Need the ability to customize the sheet index table. We are trying to recreate our detailed index sheets done in Excel with the sheet index table. Need the ability to pull necessary item types from the current sheet index properties.
about 2 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Add unit precision for DWG export

When exporting from MS to DXF format there is an option to set the precision. I want the same for DWG. Let me explain my use case: My working units are (almost) always set to 'mm' because that's the way we design. However when exporting to DWG dep...
about 2 years ago in Collaboration 0 Future consideration

Use Annotation Cells with Pen Tables

Need the ability to use annotation cells in a pen table. For printing things like curve data, stationing, etc., at different weights, this isn't possible.
over 2 years ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Cells: Parametric Placement

Graphic Cells could do with a parametric boost. The much requested parameter would be the z-elevation, but rotation and scaling are also useful to have parametric. Like the Block Segment Length parameter introduced in Mstn 17, the Cell's insertion...
over 2 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Forum login through Connection Client

Would be nice to log into and open the internet forum and the ideation section through the connection client so we wouldn't need to log into all of them separately. I am using another dongle-based software where I can do the above.
over 3 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Material Hooks

Often an object will be modelled that might have several kids of material that are applicable to it, but these material choices wont be decided on until sometime later.The ability to assign a material by level:color is great for this kind of "late...
about 4 years ago in Visualization 1 Future consideration

ACS: ACS Object

Transfered from EAP Ideas listACS info should be exposed for Parametric Variables, Items, Named Expressions, Item Types, Labels/Notes etc. The AC info should be able to be treated as variables that can be part of the new Parametrics and Constrains...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Future consideration