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My ideas: Collaboration

Showing 33
115 VOTE

CE - Home use license (NOT AVAILABLE IN CE)

All As per the 'Bentley View' saga/idea, we need to YOU to VOTE to push Bentley into making a HOME USE license available for ALL CONNECT software and NOW, not in 12-24 months time. As it stands, this is not possible and Bentley are telling users t...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 3 Will not implement

PDF Referencing: 3d format

Transfered from EAP Ideas listThe ability to reference 3d pdf's into Mstn would be good.
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

CSV or Comma De-limited Text import TO and FROM Microstation Connect Properties

I have just finished another large project taking advantage of the new 'Item Types' and 'Display Rules' functionality, I think that this new functionalityis oneof the best things to come out of Bentley in a long time. The only problem isthat it re...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Will not implement

Online DGN viewer (2D)

There should be an online solution which would be simple and universal for new users to view 2D DGN contents without need to install anything and would be OS independent. Bentley View for example is too complicated and at same time too limited for...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Export option - .NWC & .NWD from Dgn Files

Greetings!!! Can we have an option to export the native DGN files to .NWC & .NWD file. We are aware we can use Navigator for clash detection or Microstation for same task. When multiple users / companies on a project and the need is to have na...
almost 2 years ago in Collaboration 3 Will not implement

AccuSnap Settings also as a button in its toolbar

AccuDraw has "AccuDraw Settings" as a button in its toolbar but AccuSnap has not.AccuSnap Mode toolbar has "Settings" if we do right click on "Toggle AccuSnap" button. I would have to have this button "AccuSnap Settings" in the AccuSnap Mode toolb...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Improvements to 3d-pdfs

3d--pdfs are fantastic to use.Still I can see the following1- tool to adjust centre for rotation in the pdf2- hide (selected element) in view3- (stated earlier) list of Named Groups so when selected only the NG is visible.
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Polygon section tool to better subdivide areas in the iTwin (similar to MSTN)

We are using the iTwin section tool to subdivide the plant into sub-area saved views for IFC model generation, and it would be extremely useful to have a polygon section tool to better subdivide comples areas of the model.
almost 2 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

Select-By Level -> Display If Used or Additional Level Used Column [Fixed Width]

Hello Bentley, This idea is either for an additional fixed-width column when selecting Elements by-Level, or the existing [is used] column to display whether a level is used or not. A fixed width column to sort by used/not used. Click on the colum...
12 months ago in Collaboration 2 Will not implement

Read GPS data

Expand the GPS support to also read other GPS output data, like .loc, .gpx, .kml output of GPS tracking software. That seems to be even more popular than NMEA output.Reading any prerecorded stream, give functions to browse the records or waypoints...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Will not implement