There should be an online solution which would be simple and universal for new users to view 2D DGN contents without need to install anything and would be OS independent. Bentley View for example is too complicated and at same time too limited for new users, it requires prior Microstation experience to be usable or requires training. "DGN preview handler" has issues, lacks basic tools and is not configurable. Mobile imodels could be usable on mobile devices but it lacks dgn to imodel on-the-fly conversion so there is no need for prior conversion process if receive DGN by email for example.
I find it very easy what - sorry I must say that - AD is showing with the
...Hop in (without any ado), drag a CAD(!) file in, even comment it (a real Design Review!) , It also asks if there are references attached to load them up.
I suppose Bentley already has that environment in place. But when I try to use it I always get stuck there
I need to have stakeholders review my CAD DRAWING-Sheets (wherever they were generated from). I would need to be able to then reference the comments behind my designfile (a capability that was there with Bentely Redline and Bentley Navigator V8i)
I would even like to pay for it...reasonably. But I am not even able to get a quote.(!)