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My ideas: Collaboration

Showing 66

File Open options > Do not load references files

With the increase in data being added to a DGN files, the file sizes are increasing, more so with the huge DWG files that are coming about.This all relates to a time it takes to open Bentley applications. It would be good to have open dialog optio...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 4 Future consideration

DGNLIB Audit Tool

What's in a DGNLIB? This question has been asked a few times on the V8i Forums.BackgroundAdministrators are increasingly using DGNLIBs to define project standards. That's one reason why Bentley invented DGNLIBs, to provide a project-wide resource....
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 6 Future consideration

MicroStation Reports: Improved Key-In Commands

MicroStation CONNECT Reports let you export DGN data to an external file. You can choose various file formats, including Excel.There is an apparently-related key-in command REPORTS EXPORT. However, that command is not documented and appears to do ...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Future consideration

Multi format export tool

Can we have a multi format export tool. (DGN, DWG & PDF) one dialog does all. with options to customise the output paths, file types, zip files etcReasonMost projects require the DGN file format to be issued as DWG and PDF and in some cases a ...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Future consideration

BCF manager

I came across some threads on the OBD forums about BCF compatibility. There are already some ideas on the MS ideas portal as well, but all seem a bit fragmented. I think what we really need is a complete BCF manager, either developped by Bentley o...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 7 Future consideration

Pdf Referencing: Hypermodeling-enhanced

Transfered from EAP Ideas listCould we have the option to 'geo-locate' the pdf on export, please?This should work like geolocated tiff files: When you import or reference them, Mstn scales, rotates, moves them automatically.There should also be th...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Future consideration

Expression builder to extract projectwise attributes of dgn

This would be really beneficial to be able to apply projectwise attributes as itemtype metadata, very useful for collaboration & Digital Engineering data exchange.
almost 2 years ago in Collaboration 4 Future consideration

Modernised Cell Manager

Transfered from EAP Ideas list Better links between Place Cell and Cell Library DialogIncoporation of parametrics in all Cellrelated Dialogs.Better integration of arraying tools/options, connectors/hookpoints when dealing with smart/parametric obj...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 2 Future consideration

Full support of DWG annotation scaling

The AutoCAD based annotation scaling is far beyond the Microstations annotation scaling. Autocad has element based n-scale techniques to place notes at different origins with different sizes for different scales. Text styles property for texts and...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 4 Future consideration

Add ability to import IFC properties as item data

Am ifc file comes with a lot of property information. This information, however, is not imported into MicroStation. Only the graphics and the class is imported (not even OBD has this functionality) In contrast when you e.g. create an iModel from R...
almost 3 years ago in Collaboration 4 Future consideration