Transfered from EAP Ideas list
Better links between Place Cell and Cell Library Dialog
Incoporation of parametrics in all Cellrelated Dialogs.
Better integration of arraying tools/options, connectors/hookpoints when dealing with smart/parametric objects.
Better oversight or where the cells are stored.
Provide an update mechanism to notify users of updated versions of the cells stored in cell libraries / external models.
Better differentiation and visibility of internal Shared v. external Graphic cell tables.
Allow CVE's to be used as cells
Some of these things are in Early Access Preview 3. Namely:
>> 2. Incoporation of parametrics in all Cellrelated Dialogs.EAP3: Parametric Cells incorporated into Cell Library dialog.
>> 4. Better oversight or where the cells are stored.EAP3: Cell Library dialog is a little more informative in this regard now -- If you hover over the where column, it now shows you the name of the name of the file/cell library.
>> 5. Provide an update mechanism to notify users of updated versions of the cells stored in cell libraries / external models.EAP3: Can manually update parametric cells. No notification mechanism.
>> Place cell should also have a toggle for Share Cell.In EAP3.
four years later.....
Ivo Blaauw over 4 years ago
Double click action.
Build in an option to choose standard action to perform on double click.
For instance: Double click activates "Place Cell, Place Pattern, Place Terminator, Place Point or All of the above".
Better response to keyboard input.
For example, attach library Archpat that come with the program. When typing 'C' the cell named CBLK16 comes up. Actually I want to select cell named CROSS, but when I type "CR". This does not move me to "CROSS" butt to cell named "RANRBL". A more interactive way of searching/finding cells would be apreciated.
Dock cell manager to the side.
Docking in V8i SS3 happens only on top or bottom. Allow docking on the sides of the screen.
A more Windows Explorer style or Print organizer kind of style.
Displays the libraries as they used to appear in the MS_CELLLIST Pulldown. Clicking on one or more libraries shows the cells it represents.
Ivo Blaauw
V8i SS3
Reginald Wallace over 3 years ago
Enhancement #793714 has been filed