When selecting a level from the Attributes group in the ribbon, level name and ByLevel color is displayed. The selected active level is displayed in the status bar but only with its name. Would be nice to also see the ByLevel color besides it.
Include ALL pattern parameters in the Properties palette
I have seen that we can edit later some pattern parameters which don´t appear in the properties palette if we do it from the Tool Settings window (or "Change Pattern" tool). However I think that ALL pattern properties should appear in the Properti...
Add "Dim offset" option also in the "Dimension Element" tool settings window
If you have a look to "Dimension Linear" tool settings (attached image) there is the option "Dim offset", but if you use the tool: Dimension Element, it does not have it. So please, add this option also in the "Dimension Element".
Add language specific offline help to language packs
As I user I'd like to switch to offline mode and I'd like to read the help in my native language (the current setting of the MicroStation GUI). Each language pack installation (and full installation containing language pack) should have a set of h...
Text: New property " Lock Relation Height/Width" in the Properties palette.
MS CE 14. It´s very annoying that if you want to change the size of your text then you have to edit 2 values (Height and Width) in the properties palette. Text Style dialog has a lock button to lock or unlock the relation between Height and Width,...
I think that Element Templates dialog should have a Preview window in the right side. Due to "element" is a generic object I understand that it is not exclusive for linear elements but at least if the Template only has "General settings" then the ...
ORD: attach a Multi-Line element to Complex Element (horizontal geometry)
In ORD we can create a Complex Element as it was an alignment. Complex Element (Complex Geometry) has an Element Template as property. We can add more properties to an Element Template but I haven´t seen Multi-Line style because that styles is for...
[Import..] should check (or filter) if there are duplicities
MS CE 14 In the Level Manager dialog menu Levels-- Import... does not check if a level is duplicated. Example: Mi current drawing has the level "MyLevel" with color Red If I Import a DGN file which has a level "MyLevel" with color blue, if I selec...
Template dialog - Update Selected template from Library.
Currently, the Template dialog has the menu Utilities--- Update Templates from Library. It would be interesting that it also has: Update Template from Library (just for a selected template).