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2D Drawing

Showing 249 of 1699

Allow Annotation Scale to be applied to revision clouds

I would like to see an option to apply Annotation Scale to the arc radius of revision clouds. This would allow clouds to be defined with a nominal radius that would be scaled up or down in the same way that text and dimensions are, for consistent ...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Planned

View Independent text that rotates around Justification

I know that, by default, for legacy reasons, plain text, when placed as "View Independent" will rotate around the lower left-hand corner of the text element. This, however produces somewhat unpredictable and VERY unhelpful effects, as text appears...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Planned

Add to Dimension ordinates + to positive values and plus/minus sign to 0.000

Would be wonderful if Dimension ordinates at least will have possibility to choose +/- sign next to the 0.000 and plus sign (+) next to positive ordinates in the Elevation drawings as for negative coordinates.And it would be perfect if will be pos...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration

Copy and Increment Text Improvements

1) Add an alpha mode to increment textWith an increment of 1 Alpha mode would Increase 11A to 11B, ..., 11Z, 11AA etc2) Add first and/or last option so"T22a" could be incremented to both "U22a" and "T22b" or "U23b" if numeric was also on3) Tools s...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Future consideration

Extend in line leader to text

In our office it is a current standard to keep callout text left justified. it is more in line with the idea that the English language is read from left to right, so right justifying is more difficult for the eye to follow. I have seen a few posts...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 3 Will not implement

Show Vertices

MicroStation needs ability to toggle on the display of vertices for elements. Similar to how you can display them when SELECTING a feature.... LEAVE THEM ON so that I know where they are when actually USING A TOOL like Delete Vertex. (Also the cat...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Future consideration

Item Type Lookup update when printing

There should be a way to enable Item Types lookup values to update when printing. Otherwise I have to manually go into every file (or batch process) to force the fields to update.
4 months ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

DWG Export - Merge drawing models to model space

Related to this forum post: Right now when exporting a sheet from DGN to DWG there is only 1 specific case where the relation(/refere...
about 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Future consideration

Label leader line top/bottom option

When a label with leader line is placed, the line can either be attached to the left or to the right of the label cell. As a user I'd like to have the option "top" and "bottom" as well
over 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 2 Future consideration

Microstation 2023 - Pasted unformatted in text Editor

in Microstation 2023, "Pasted unformatted" text defaults to Arial. This should adopt the preceding text style. There is no issue with CONNECT Version.
over 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 2 Future consideration