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2D Drawing

Showing 249 of 1699

update cell geometry but keep parameters field

When using the "Replace Cell" → Update functionality and unchecking all options, the system still resets the values associated with item types. It could be good to exist an option that would keep the values from the item types.
3 months ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Folder Sequence number

After creating sheets and arrange them on different folders under Sheet Index the Sequence number is set to count all sheets in all folders. Please add the property of the Sequence number that count only inside the folder and restart to 1 on the n...
over 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Place Orthogonal Shape - Close Element

It would be helpful and more conistent if the POS tool could also have a Close Element button like the Place Shape tool
about 1 month ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Add jog / break to dimension line

As a user I would like to be able to define a symbol that makes a dimension line appear jogged or broken and have it appear as part of the dimension element. Note ISO 129-1:2018 Dimension lines shall be indicated as continuous narrow lines accordi...
2 months ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

CE - Select Similar

I am constantly asked by users that come over from ACAD/Revit, if there is an option to Select Similar. I have to tell them ... not as such, we have the Selection tool in expanded mode. it would be nice to havea right click menu to allow users to ...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 8 Future consideration

Exporting to DWG with no attributes

Should be a way to export to DWG in MicroStation without including the element attributes. Currently, we are facing situations where attributes are being exported along with the drawing, which is not desired in certain cases.
3 months ago in 2D Drawing 1 Needs review

Item Types attached to a Cell in a Library should convert to an Item Type instance when that cell is placed in a DGN model

It's possible to define an Item Type and attach an instance to a cell model in a cell library.When that cell is placed as a cell instance in a DGN model, the Item Type instance should be converted to an instance attached to the cell header after p...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 6 Will not implement

Add background option to Dimension Style > Text > Notes > Text Frame

It would be very nice and helpful to be able to assign a background color to the Text Frames in the Dimension Styles. So they can be used for Labels, and such. It would great to make it work like the Text Styles do, but to actually fill out the wh...
6 months ago in 2D Drawing 4 Future consideration

A TrueType font library that provides drafting and other CAD symbols

It's currently impossible to create a text element in MicroStation that contains a drafting symbol (such as a center line). A drafting TrueType font library would solve that problem. MicroStation text could include the drafting symbol along with o...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 4 Future consideration

Create gap in dimension lines

With the section callout tool, we have the ability to create a gap in the line between the wing and the tail. It would be amazing if we could get that same functionality to create a gap in dimension lines (leaders, extension lines, etc). Very freq...
almost 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 2 Needs review