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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

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Showing 988

Delete vertex and Break element tool modifications

Delete vertex tool will delete multiple vertices without the user being prompted about it.Break elements tools (all) will removed vertices without theuser being prompted about it.Since these tools do not inform the user that other vertices will be...
about 4 years ago in General 2 Needs review

Element Templates in Alphabetical Order

When selecting an Element Template, there does not seem to be a logical order of element templates or folders. It would be much simpler to have all folders and templates in alphabetical order. See the screenshot below from ORD.
almost 2 years ago in General 4 Needs review

View Rotate Element to set the correct rotation

When using the command View Rotate Element on a text element rotates the view so that the text rotates to the nearest quadrant. For example if the text is close to upside down it will rotate the text to upside down instead of rotating the view so ...
over 1 year ago in General 3 Needs review

Dimension total length along element (chained & non linear elements)

I'd like to suggest to implement the ability to dimension the length of non linear elements that can be measured. example screenshot shows a dimension I had to create manually.
about 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 3 Needs review

Multiple of One Item Type Attached to a Single Element

We are implementing Item Types for use of pay items. Currently how our Pay Item structure is set up, it is possible for a model element to have two or more of the same pay item and therefore might need the same item type attached twice. Currently ...
almost 2 years ago in General 1 Needs review

WMS Map Editior Server Authentication Required Dialog to auto-fill (remember) User ID.

When we add a raster to a design file from our Image Web Server using the WMS Map Editor which requires authentication, the Authentication Required dialog comes up and we need to enter our full email address as our User Name. Could this field be m...
6 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Folder Sequence number

After creating sheets and arrange them on different folders under Sheet Index the Sequence number is set to count all sheets in all folders. Please add the property of the Sequence number that count only inside the folder and restart to 1 on the n...
about 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

Add search bar for references to easily find the reference you need

Like the feature in the level manager, a search bar should be added into the reference manager, hierarchy tree of level manager and level display manager so that users can find the reference they need within a sea of references for larger files.
6 months ago in General 0 Needs review

Print Filled Visible Edges non-rasterized

Unless I am very mistaken, when using "Filled Visible Edges" display style on a drawing (with Visible Edges set to "Dynamic"), the only way to have the fill of the elements actually printing to PDF is to set Rasterize to "On". This is really bad! ...
about 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 2 Needs review

Add the ability to display "Geographical Survey Institute Maps" and other tiled maps

Add the ability to display "Geographical Survey Institute Maps" and other tiled maps published as background maps in MicroStation. The URL of the tile map I want to display is as follows{z}/{x}/{y}.png
6 months ago in General 1 Needs review