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Option to Print Mesh elements as filled polygons with transparency as per the currently applied display rules in non-rasterized jobs

In Civil drawings we often apply display rules to show the cut and fill areas, pavement etc. with a solid colour and often some level of Transparency. These areas are typically mesh elements from the attached corridor model. It would be good not h...
7 days ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Expand ItemType Export/Import Functionality

When exporting ItemTypes to Excel, allow the following as options: Choose Excel file to export to (can currently only select folder and name is automatic) Allow exporting from multiple dgns (with a selection of all models, default only, etc.) Sele...
about 1 year ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Synchronization Between Item Types and Database Connections in MicroStation

Currently, MicroStation allows connections to external databases, but data synchronization primarily revolves around Tags. To better utilize modern workflows and take full advantage of the flexibility offered by Item Types, it would be beneficial ...
5 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Add Parasolid version as an option for XMTOUT Keyin (XMT.dll)

Right now XMTOUT command only takes export file as an option. File is always exported with version 19 (latest). For compatibility reasons it would be extremely useful if we could specify the parasolid version too. Something like: "XMTOUT c:\temp\m...
11 months ago in Collaboration 3 Needs review

Import JT File with Items and Tree Structure

JT Files are actual imported as nested Shared Cells containing the native Properties as MicroStation User Data. The Import should store the Properties as Item's and the iTwin Connector should translate the nested Shared Cell Structure to a more ha...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Cell description to be added in Properties dialog

I would like to use our cell libraries to produce BOQs for easier collaboration with the construction team. Using Item Types and Reports I would like to be able to use the expression this.GetElement().CellName and this.GetElement().CellDescription...
6 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Add V8 dgn function to Cell Replacement in 'Save File CSV Remapper' tool

The Level Remapper has the ability of replacing cells but it is only when saving to a V7 dgn file format. Is there something that can be done for savi...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Ability to open files in blob storage with additional 'browse' button

Add an Azure or Cloud storage browse button , next to current 'Browse' button in the App's recent files launch interface. Azure storage explorer can be detected on the device
2 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Items browser saved seach definitions from dgnlib or configuration variable

The items browser has the ability to save advanced searches to external file(s). We would like to have these searches available through configuration variables or a dgnlib so they are avalable in the workspace. This is a similar behavior to all th...
about 1 year ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Direct SQLite database connections

currently the database connector allows direct connections to Oracle, ODBC & BUDBC connection database connections. We’d like direct connections to SQLite databases be added as well. SQLite ODBC connections are possible but require installing ...
over 1 year ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review