I am finding the element templates to be extremely useful in streamlining my workflow. A couple of thoughts though....
1.It would be extremely helpful if my template could issue a command much like function keys -- such as starting a default command or changing the view's display attributes. For example if I am using an element template that forces CONSTRUCTION CLASS, I would like the option to invoke a key-in that turns on the CONSTRUCTION view attribute for my view(s).
2.Would like current element template setting to update when I do an ALT-Select on an element (other element attributes are updated, but the Element Template is not.)
3.There is no easy way to disassociate element(s) from a template. I must do it from element "properties". I would expect that selecting "none" from element templates while the element(s) is/are selected would do the trick. But it does not, regardless of the position of the element template association toggle.
Finally, it may be worth promoting element templates more in the documentation. I know it may be basic -- having presets essentially, but the last I used Microstation was 2005 and I just recently began looking into element templates after having the CONNECT EDITION since November 2020. Wish I had look into them sooner.
See also Idea MSR-I-1111
Update 17: Just discovered that 'change element attributes' has no effect on REMOVING an associated template from an element. However, it can create a NEW association. It should do both.
Great ideas.
For point 3 you can use "Change Element Attributes" tool which can be quickly access by pressing Space->U. It will allow you to select Template None and make changes to selected elements.