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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

All ideas

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"Search by attributes" - enable mouse wheel scrolling in level box

It would be handy to be able to scroll through the level list when performing a "search by attributes" (with mouseover, not only when box is activated through a click) the same way as the "types" box on the right-hand side. At the moment scrolling...
about 4 years ago in General 1 Shipped

Tables - Respect Merged Cells from Excel

When a table is linked from an excel file with Place Table tool, it would be helpful to have merged cells remain merged in the DGN file. Right now, the merged cells are ignored and have to be manually re-merged in the DGN. Then that has to be done...
about 1 year ago in 2D Drawing 1 Shipped

Multi Installs

I work on approximately 7 different MS projects, each one has a different version of MS as specified by the client 15, 16, 17. I need to be able to install more than 1 version of MS on a single PC. Autodesk products allow this, and it is killing B...
over 1 year ago in General 1 Shipped

Copy Feature/Copy Surface

This is a 2D/3D tool to select a feature or surface and reuse it as a copy or to apply to another area of the model or drawing. For example to copy a transitional surface, or unique feature and apply it to other primitive elements. The idea is to ...
about 1 year ago in 3D Modeling 0 Shipped

Change to Idea's Section of the Forum

I would like to see an idea's section whereby the idea's section was kept up to date other thanshowing that idea's are 'Under Review'.I did a search earlier and noted that no idea is 'Coming Soon' or 'Not Planned' or 'Complete'. It would be nice t...
about 4 years ago in General 1 Shipped

vertical and horizontal constraint

add vertical and horizonal constraint. Lock a line horiszontally or vertically
about 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 5 Shipped

2D Constraints: Add "Aligned to X/Y"

It happens quite often when adding a 2D constraint that the elements tilt and are no longer orthogonal. Add constraints that allow to fix a line to the x and y axis of the model's coordinate system
over 3 years ago in General 0 Shipped

Vincular WMS 1.3.0

Las URL para vincular WMS estan migrando a 1.3.0. ES NECESARIO QUE MICROSTATION SOPORTE ESTE TIPO DE CONEXION 1.3.0. Actualmente, incluso en la versión 2023 solo soprta WMS 1.1.1 y perjudica seriamente nuestro trabajo con Microstation.
over 1 year ago in General 0 Shipped

Printer selection available on Mouse Click similar to V8i

There is regression from v8i in CONNECT edition that Print dialog now requires scrolling trough full list of Windows printers and Bentley drivers to switch between Windows Printers. It was one click before but now it requires scrolling+3 clicks. T...
about 4 years ago in General 0 Shipped

Clipped Elements Still Recognized

After clipping a reference file the snaps and flood commands still recognize the elements within the reference but outside the clip boundary.
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Shipped