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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

MicroStation Roadmap

Showing 976

Properties Panel: Support Locking individual Parameters

Transfered from EAP Ideas listSay you have a Circle element that has x, y, z parameter for its center. It would be good to be able to lock the z-coordinate value. This would be more granular and useful than using Ctrl-L.
almost 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review

HIDE Element Tool

Transfered from EAP Ideas listIt would be good to have this tool in the Context Menu, and places where 'Isolate' are offered like the Items panels.
almost 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Origin Sheet border

Is the origin of the sheet border in the lower left corner? Why not the upper right corner? Better jet; why not let users define it? Perhaps in a similar fashion as text justification... Left Top, Left Bottom, LM, CC...
almost 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

[Print dialog] Revert back to not print when hitting Enter key

The latest introduced additional "Print" and "Print to PDF" button in CE and v8i SS4 Print dialog right bottom corner breaks typical workflow. As the button is always in focus then hitting "Enter" key from keyboard when changing values in input fi...
almost 4 years ago in General 5 Needs review

PDF: Embedding Hypermodeling Info

The Raster Ref Manager has an option to use embedded geolocation info to scale and orient pdfs that are imbued with georeferencing info, geotiff-style.It would be great if something similar could be provided for the pdfs that are generated from Ms...
almost 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review

JPG plot driver

Hi,like it was available in Microstaton, it would be good o have a JPG.PLTCFG Bentley printer driver available in Bentley View.the old jpg.pltcfg does not work in Bentley vIew CE update 14.Thanks,Nicolas Tobbackx Isalink/ Elia
almost 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Individual buttons for each workflow

Microstation Connect Wish List1. Individual buttons for each workflow on the Quick Access Toolbar instead of the dropdown list2. The ability to turn on coordinate readout at pointer3. the ability to force 'E' (accudraw rotate cycle) To follow Cont...
almost 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Please could you reinstate the 'ins' key over-type mode in the text editor!

Please could you reinstate the 'ins' key over-type mode in the text editor!Apologies for my earlier post elsewhere on this subject, I just stumbled upon this part of the forum and this seems to be the correct place to make my point[emoticon:c4563c...
almost 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Dynamic report table with items

When creating a report and include items and then placing the report table the values in the table should be fields that can be updated when changing the values on the objects. I have tried it by manually goin and edit the field and inserted a fie...
almost 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Add Tool settings to Copying or Making Direct Attachment Reference files to Preserve Override Settings

When we need to copy a reference file or promote a nested reference file to a direct attachment, it would be very beneficialif there was some tool settings options to include level override settings.I recently had to convert some nested reference ...
almost 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review