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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

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[Parametric Modelling] Table view for Variables

It would be really nice to have a view option for the variables window when creating parametric cells.This way you could see more than one variable-set at a time and it would be much faster to edit the values.What I imagine: Parameter NameValueTyp...
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 3 Will not implement

Power Selector Command Interface

I propose the ability to control the Power Selector tool completely by Keyin and VBA for automation purposes. The ability to manually select by Text/Dim style with the mouse is nice but would it would be very useful to control this dialog by means...
over 1 year ago in General 3 Needs review

Child Sheet Index Sheet Numbering should be influenced by Master

If a Sheet Index is referenced as a child to a master Sheet Index, that Master Sheet Index should be able to control and propagate the start numbering for Sheet Number across all referenced/child Sheet Indices.
3 months ago in 2D Drawing 0 Needs review

MS 2023 icon

Can we suggest that the MS icon be changed to include the year version. Now that we can have multiple installs, it will make it easier to identify which is which (version) I know the text under the icon states the version, but having a visual aspe...
over 1 year ago in General 2 Future consideration

Ability to change Accuracy in Item Type manager

Currently, you cannot change accuracy from 2 decimals to 3 decimals in item types properties for the number property in the Item type manager so there should be some settings to change the accuracy so that it will reflect in property definition pa...
9 months ago in General 0 Future consideration

SDK Request to add a function to .NET API to allow removing a GCS from model

Add the ability to remove a GCS from a model with the .NET side of the SDK. Currently, you can get and set GCS to a model but not remove it. You have to use the COM side to remove a GC​S from a model. It would be really helpful to have it on the ....
over 1 year ago in Programming 0 Needs review

Bring back recently used linestyles

In V8i, the custom linestyle pulldown in the attributes toolbar would "remember" that last few custom linestyles you had chosen. This was very useful! Apparently that capability has been removed from CONNECT. Why, I don't know...Please restore the...
9 months ago in General 0 Future consideration

Report should not show rows and columns that are hidden in Excel document.

Many Excel spread sheet that we use have rows and columns that are hidden. When importing these into Tables those hidden rows and columns are not hidden any more. Tables should import from excel exactly like they are shown in Excel spread sheet.
about 3 years ago in General 0 Planned

Add Key-in for Helmert Transform

We need to apply Helmert Transform in multiple files. It would be great if there is a key-in to apply Helmert Transform so that we can use batch process to apply it on multiple files.
6 months ago in  2 Needs review

Packager - retain folder structure

Can we have an option (Tick box) to enable us to extract the packager contents to the same folder structure that they were created from. As it stands, it extracts them into one folder. Ian
6 months ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review