WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...
Export Sheet Index information to excel spreadsheet.
It would be nice to export out all of the data about the sheet to a spreadsheet. Especially the item type data (sheet no, total sheets, title, drawn by....) Make any changes in the spreadsheet and then import the data back in and update all the sh...
Provide an icon or visual aid to let user know there are more models
With the advent of V8 format files and the idea of more than one model in a DGN, the user does not know that there is more than one model in a file unless the Model dialog is opened.It would be very helpful to provide a visual aid or notification ...
Select all should select references that have treat as element turned on
Select all should select references that have treat as element turned on. Currently references set to treat as element can be selected by dragging a selection box but not by select all which is illogical.
Transfered from EAP Ideas listIt would be good to be able to edit Multilines / Linestyles in place, and not have to go through a separate dialog.Say you have a Multiline or Linsetyle to show a drylined wall. Two parallel lines offet at 12.5mm + a ...
MicroStation's Reports interface is a closed UI. That is, we can manipulate the UI to create a report definition, but that definition remains obscure. It's stored internally in a DGN file.It would be great to have a formal report definition langua...
Select alternate units in Measure tools and Dimension tools
Provide an option to select alternate units (other than Master & Subunits) in Measure tools. Applies to Measure Distance, Measure Radius, Measure Length, Measure Area, Measure Volume, Dimension Element, Dimension Linear, Dimension between points
Add documentation about @scripts to MicroStation Help
Every now and again someone posts a question on the MicroStation Forum about @scripts, also known as Script Files . Often the author is a newcomer to MicroStation, doesn't know where to start, and hasn't come across @scripts. MicroStation Help doe...
We are looking for an option to apply a Displayset to a specific view. The Displayset should be able to be associated with a specific view to allow a specific display per view. There has been a viewset.ma tool offering this functionality in the pa...
EC Annotations placed using the Place Label tool do not have a True Scale function. This is an issue if the working units of the Cell DGN file doesn't match the Drawing file. CS0208351 https://bentleysystems.service-now.com/community?id=community_...