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Pinned ideas

PINNED Support of wmts with restful protocol
WMTS tiles in Microstation are only supported in KVP, but not in RESTFUL. As a result, many wmts services cannot be used. There is an urgent need to integrate the restful protocol, as more and more public administration services are only offered v...

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Showing 1687

DWG support in "Copy Fence Contents to New File" Tool

There are always some of exchange for partical objects in DGN file. Existing work flow for part of objects to dwg file: Select objects to be exchanged Set DisplaySet Draw a Fence Use "Copy Fence Contents to New File" Tool to copy them to a new DGN...
about 1 year ago in General 0 Needs review

Maptrim (Civil 3D command). Fence with mode= Clip is a lot of steps.

Autodesk Civil 3D has a command "Maptrim" to Clip from a boundary. It is similar than Fence with Fence Mode= Clip but it also removes the entities outside the boundary and the new entities outside the boundary. The issue I see with Fence (Mode=Cli...
over 3 years ago in General 1 Needs review

Improve "Create Complex Chain" and "Create Complex Shape".

Both tools should have a new parameter in its tool settings dialog. This new parameter would be a checkbox "Result attributes from active Attributes". If it is checked then it works as currently but if it is unchecked then it would workd as JOIN (...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Will not implement

Turn off toolbox dock snapping

Currently when trying to dock toolboxes horizontally or vertically, they forcibly snap to the leftmost and topmost space when doing so. This is not ideal and this snapping behaviour should have an option to be turned off in user settings.
over 2 years ago in General 1 Needs review

Consider adding an option for item types to the element attributes tools.

This idea was brought up in an FDOT training session. Has there been any thought given to adding item types to the match element attributes/change element attributes tools? So if one line/element has an item type attached, you could match that ele...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Will not implement

Improve "Trim to intersection"

In the toolBox Modify there is the button "Trim to intersection" similar than FILLET in AutoCAD. I would like to see some new parameters in the tool settings dialog such as: checkbox (Join elements) Vertex= combobox (Sharp / Rounded/ Chamfered) as...
over 3 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Interoperability of 3D content through OpenUSD (Universal Scene Description)

Is there an interest in the OpenUSD pipeline among MicroStation users?
about 1 year ago in Visualization 0 Future consideration

Add text node to item type definition

Autocad block attributes support multiple line text. As a user I'd like to have this kind of feature also available with item types. A new type "multi line text" or "text node" should be provided in the type drop down menu. When importing multi li...
about 1 year ago in General 0 Needs review

Convert tags to item types

When importing a dwg file, block attributes can be converted to item types or tags. There is however no function to convert tags to items. As a user I'd like to be able to convert tags in an existing dgn file to item types. Tag sets should become ...
about 1 year ago in  3 Needs review

Text Editor Readability

We would like to see if its possible for the text in the text editor display can be assigned a defaulted white value, but when applying the update to the drawing the edited text would adhere to whatever the color attribute is currently set to for ...
over 2 years ago in 2D Drawing 0 Future consideration