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Showing 67

Ref Attach Dialog: Option to match the incoming Ref's GCS to an ACS in the local file

Transfered from EAP Ideas list. Also discussed during the SS3 beta. Referencing by ACS matching would be very cool.Currently, I think you have to:1. In model to be referenced: Go to your 'Top' view, use Window Center and tentative to model 0,0,0. ...
about 4 years ago in 2D Drawing 1 Planned

Item Type Export to work on Parametric Cells

CTDOT would like the Item Type Import/Export tool to export Item Types placed on Parametric Cells.
10 months ago in  0 Planned

Unlock Sheet model from Sheet Index

Oftentimes we will remove a sheet from the sheet index, and add it back in later. Currently, when you add a sheet to the sheet index, it "brands" that sheet model to the sheet index. In order to remove it, we have to remove it from the sheet index...
over 1 year ago in  0 Planned

Fix snaps not working through filled solids

Snaps do not work through filled shapes even in wire frame regardless of "locate interiors" setting set to none. Reference this thread.
almost 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Planned

Provide for Referencing new Navigator Connect .imodels in Mstn Connect

Transfered from EAP Ideas list. The new .imodels look a lot lighter weight and quick compared to .idgns. It would be good to be able to reference attach the new format into Mstn sessions.I think that this was briefly possible in U4?
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Planned

Improve GIS/MSC/ORD integration

Some general ideas to improve the (upcoming) gis/MSC/ORD integration Allow the ability to save an export and reuse it for a different location? Our team is often exporting the exact same 15 levels but for different areas. Create a way to automatic...
over 1 year ago in  2 Planned

ACS: 'Real' ACS Widgets

Transfered from EAP Ideas listACS widgets should be 'real' objects that can saved as part of Cells, Named Groups etc. And used by the new Parametric Solids, GC etc. Not sure, a token point element with its info as Item info attached? The ACS's and...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Planned