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Status Planned
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 25, 2023

Improve GIS/MSC/ORD integration

Some general ideas to improve the (upcoming) gis/MSC/ORD integration

  1. Allow the ability to save an export and reuse it for a different location? Our team is often exporting the exact same 15 levels but for different areas.

  2. Create a way to automatically change the data from GIS onto the correct level within the GIS import tool I know there are a couple of workarounds that could be done (level remapper or a macro). This would really only be helpful if it was a saved export, (question 1)

  3. Many of the types of data that are imported come in as points. Add a way to way to integrate swapping out a cell with points for different data types? Again, I know there are other ways to do this (import/export coordinates, macros) but integrating this into this tool would be amazing.

  4. Allow ability to grab private (requiring a login) gis data? We have some levels that aren’t available to the public that don’t seem to be integrated with this tool, as far as I can tell.

Thanks so much!

Here's a summary of my issues:

  • Guest
    Sep 27, 2023

    Hi Paul

    Thanks for the ideas. I made them "planned" because some of them are already shipping and others planned.

    1/ It is shipping. We have released MicroStation today and it allows users to save connections (many) and reuse them as they need do, in many different places if they want.

    2/ It is not planned yet. We would love to get more detail about the workflow.

    3/ Same as #3

    4/ Planned / EDIT:: shipping



    PS: please try to have one suggestion per idea, it is easier to manage and vote.

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