I don't see the point of a 1 character suffix or prefix. Practically all unit measurements except meters, Kelvin are at least 2 characters, mm, cm, °C,.. For me I needed to add "ca." prefix so it is three characters.
Allow Rasters to Print with Transparency "Without" the use of the "Rasterized" Printing Option
We often simply need to print a drawing which has a Raster attached to model space (which in turn is attached to a sheet view) and have the raster transparency (set in the reference manager or level manager) come through in the plot "Without" usin...
Add a dynamic auto spell check in the text editor.
Pretty much everywhere now has automatic spell checking. Even this text box I'm typing in now dynamically shows if I misspell a word. I would like to see this functionality in MicroStation.
I still miss the ability to use Ctrl+Z in the text editor. Now when I mess up something small I either have to take the time to fix it manually or release the text without accepting the changes and start over.
Add additional grips to dimensions to allow for quick adjustment
I suggest adding additional grips to make modifying dimensions easier. Currently, you have to select the Modify Element command to adjust the dimensions. I suggest adding two grips to eliminate this step. There is one at the midpoint of the dimens...
It would be very useful to be able to stretch patterns in one direction only, similar no any drawing that can be scaled in one direction unclicking the Proportional option.
I would like to request a variable that defines the full version of the software. Currently there are variables for "minor version", "major version" , etc... These can be strung together to get a final result giving the full version number, but ha...
VBA Element.GetItemInstances and Element.AttachItemInstances
VBA provides Element.GetTags , which if available for Item instances eg. Element.GetItemInstances and Element.AttachItemInstances would be exactly what I need. I need to clone items from multiple elements to new elements that are replacing the exi...
I want to be able to create a report that displays the correct numbering system. ie 50mm 60mm 84mm 90mm 100mm 115mm 125mm 130mm 138mm as it stands it ignore the values and groups them by the first digit 100mm 115mm 125mm 130mm 138mm 50mm 60mm 84mm...
Replace Mismatch Alert with select Workspace/Workset dialog
When we try to open a file with a mismatched configuration by double click method or from the File Open dialog, we currently see a Mismatch Alert message when it clearly is part of a different workspace/workset." "This file is not branded with con...