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My ideas

Showing 1687 of 1687

Xdata needs to be available from element info\properties dialog.

Xdata needs to be available from element info\properties dialog.Need similar tool to AutoCAD xdata.lsp in Microstation. Xdata is with known structure and could be possibly shown in element properties. -
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 0 Needs review

Please Restore MARKUP feature at desktop level!!!!

Since Bentley is forcing users to use their cloud service, MARKUP feature is not available at desktop level. Please restore this at desktop level just like Navigator v8i!!!!
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

new property called "full style match"

In my opinion, text or dimensions should have a new property called "full style match" in the Properties window. This property would be below the "style" property.This property would be just ReadOnly and it would be a boolean property (Yes/No). Fo...
about 4 years ago in General 1 Needs review

Clash Detection - Report with Graphic

Long time ago, original clash detection tool had a great feature to generate graphic report, and it had been removed sadly.Rather than just CSV report, it will be good to have back.
about 4 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

User / App defined Level Properties or Item Types

Transfered from EAP ldeas listMstn Level Properties already store Name, Description, Library, Number, Priority, Transparency, Global Display/Freeze, Plot... ByLevel and Override settings for Color, Style, Weight, Material, Custom linestyles.. Used...
about 4 years ago in General 0 Future consideration

Flashlight' function

Transfered from EAP Ideas list1. Select Element on screen -2. Right Click brings up 'Flashlight' tool3. Ref Dialog scrolls down to selected elements Ref, and the element's level in the Level DIsplay panel
about 4 years ago in General 0 Will not implement

Support WMS with SVG

For data fidelity it would be good to have also SVG support for WMS. This could improve performance and avoid "crossed old camera" picture issues.
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Will not implement

References window should have a "Refresh" option.

When a Reference is broken (in red) and I pick on [browse..] button to change it to another path, the name of the Referenceis still in red.I have to close the Reference window and open it again to show the changes. It would be interesting an optio...
about 4 years ago in General 0 Needs review

Look up or Constrain to Item Types Tool

Transferred from EAPA lot of Properties can be set / modified from the Properties Panel.It would be good to have a tool (Call back function?) that looks up or constraints a value to a named variable / expression or Item Type. An Item Type would th...
about 4 years ago in Collaboration 1 Needs review

Volume Clip Range Display

Hi Communities,Does anyone know if there is a key in for toggling on and off the cut, back forward and outside of a clip volume? Thanks and regardsOliver
about 4 years ago in 3D Modeling 1 Needs review